Another horrific half-cat mutilation cycle has begun. As before, not a trace of any perpetrator can be found, despite the large number of felines affected. Then, in the second half of the show, a mysterious boom throws a woman across a beach and injures her.

Cat mutilations are generally dismissed as predator action, but officials never bother to explain the neat incisions, the lack of blood and, above all, the fact that no perpetrator, animal or human, has ever even been seen, let alone caught.
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What is it like to be an experiencer at a conference where the experts on stage are talking about your situation? A situation they’ve likely not been in? And what is it that the nuts-and-bolts alien proponents have been overlooking when interpreting these experiences? We get into that and more in this cutting room floor extension of the "Medusa Snake Girl" interview from the sixth episode, A Lesson In Hierarchy.
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An ancient Egyptian mummy attributed to the priest Usermontu has been found to have implanted with a sophisticated nine-inch knee-screw, to help fuse his left knee joint. The medical implant was discovered on x-rays taken by a research team at Brigham Young University. Professor of Ancient Studies, C. Wilfred Griggs, initially assumed the device was simply added to the mummy in modern times, to help hold the body together. "I assumed at the time that the pin was modern. I thought we might be able to determine how the pin had been inserted into the leg, and perhaps even guess how recently it had been implanted into the bones. I just thought it would be an interesting footnote to say, ‘Somebody got an ancient mummy and put a modern pin in it to hold the leg together.’"read more

The month of June has broken temperature records in terms of the global average temperature, and so fare there has been a series of 4 record-breaking months this year, with multiple parts of the world seeing above average temperatures.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that the world’s average temperature for June was 16.33ºC (61.48ºF), breaking the record set in June 2014 by 0.12ºC, or 0.22ºF. "Usually temperature records are broken by one or two one-hundredths of a degree, not nearly a quarter of a degree [Fahrenheit]", remarks NOAA climate scientist Jessica Blunden.
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