THERE ARE SECRETS HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. Then there are secrets hidden just plain out of sight.

What can one person do with knowledge of ancient Egypt, skills with a GPS and contacts to get a high resolution satellite-based scan done? A scan, by the way, that is so sophisticated it can go 6 kilometers into the earth and see what is out of sight.

Well, if you are Dr. Carmen Boulter, you might just use it to solve a 2,500 year old mystery. Not just any mystery. One of the greatest mysteries in all of human history.
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What is thought? What is time? Who are we? Why is there a striking contrast between the Western mind and the First Peoples mind asking these same questions? We’ll discuss it with Lakota activist Tiokasin Ghosthorse before delving into the deeper reality of Mother Earth. Star Nations, and what it means to be common.

To learn more about Tiokasin, please visit:

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Anne and I are living at extremes just now. She has reached the two year mark with no tumor growth. To give you an idea of how extraordinary this is, google gliosarcoma. That’s the worst part of her tumor. The number of people who get this tumor and survive more than a few months is not large. Glioblastoma, which she also has, is bad enough. But she is still mentally competent and in the process of overcoming her stroke, inch by inch. My girl is no quitter. Despair is not in her vocabulary. What she does have is a great sense of humor.
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The Supreme Court in Germany has recently ruled in favor for the release of the results of a study into UFOs that was conducted by the German government, that has, until now, been legally suppressed by policy makers.

The document in question, “UFOs, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and Germany’s implementation UN-Resolution A/33/426", was produced by Germany’s parliamentary “Scientifical Service,“ as commissioned by the Bundestag, Germany’s Parliament. While the document was available to a number of journalists, it was illegal to publish it’s contents to the public.
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