Is there a media coverup of all things ufology? We’ll ask writer/director Brent Hoff, former writer for "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and co-founder of Wholphin DVD. Brent is in a unique position to be honest about such things as he has had an incredible close encounter, which led to a huge revelation by his mother. We will hear all about it and also hear what it’s like to have these experiences and then have to poke fun at others having them as part of his job more

United Airlines and the New York Stock Exchange have both announced that they have shut down operations due to computer problems. United shut down on Tuesday, and the FAA said at 9 a.m. yesterday that an automation problem had been resolved and that it had given the airline permission to begin flying again. Delays are continuing as the airline works to reconstruct its schedules.
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Quantum computing’s elusive promise has always been computing power that approaches the infinite, and machines that are not just as intelligent as human beings, but far smarter. But building a computer that takes advantage of quantum indeterminacy has been difficult–until now.

A Canadian startup company is currently marketing a viable quantum computer system, aimed at solving complex problems for researchers.
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On June 28 in a field near Torino, Italy, a magnificent crop formation appeared. Like the Crabwood formation of 2002, this formation contains at least one message, and the one that we have thus far been able to translate should be considered carefully, as it echoes the warning in the Crabwood formation. Both formations contain readable messages in simple binary code. Continue reading by going to our Insight section. Click here.
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