On June 28 in a field near Torino, Italy, a magnificent crop formation appeared. Like the Crabwood formation of 2002, this formation contains at least one message, and the one that we have thus far been able to translate should be considered carefully, as it echoes the warning in the Crabwood formation. Both formations contain readable messages in simple binary code. The Torino formation’s readable binary is in sixteen lines arranged along the outer ring of the formation. There is more code in the inner rings, but so far translation has not been successful.read more

Anne Richards, former governor of Texas, once said that George Bush Sr was born with a silver foot in his mouth. Blindingly wealthy Donald Trump seems to have the same problem when he characterizes Mexican immigrants as rapists. Our friends in Texas are going crazy over the suggestion that the border be closed. For one thing, there’s a popular golf course in Eagle Pass that is on both sides of it, so what happens there?

There is a flow of immigrants from Mexico to the US, and in particular Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, that is time-honored in its tradition. The first generation that arrives barely speak English. They work as pickers, gardeners, maids and so forth.
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In January of 2008, the citizens of Stephenville, Texas were astonished to observe numerous unknown objects in their skies, being chased by military jets. Ken Cherry headed up a team of investigators who conducted one of the most exhaustive and well co-ordinated UFO investigations in history. The results are explosively revealing and impossible to refute. The incident happened and, despite its denials, the air force did send up planes to confront the unknowns.

Listen as Ken Cherry tells us why he can prove this, and describes from an up close and personal perspective, one of the all-time great UFO cases.read more

As Greenland’s glaciers melt, gigantic chunks of ice are breaking off. They are so large that they are causing powerful earthquakes as they tumble into the ocean.

A team of researchers from Swansea University in the UK, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, and a number of other institutions, studied GPS data from Greenland’s fast-moving Helheim Glacier, and the glacier’s calving front, where icebergs break off into the ocean, and correlated this with seismic data for earthquake timings. They found that large earthquakes, in the 4.6 to 5.2 range, are generated when billion-ton ice sheets break off from the glacier’s forward face.
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