This object was photographed by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover on May 7, 2015. Given the condition of the rocks around it, it’s a very unusual shape. It is small, about the size of a compact car, and does not appear to be lying on the surface, but rather to be projecting out of it. NASA has offered no comment about it. To see the original on NASA’s website, click here.

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This is one of a number of videos that have appeared recently involving unusual lights being observed in storm clouds. Contrary to the witness’s claims that it has something to do with the HAARP program, it is a known phenomenon. The HAARP project was permanently shut down in 2014, and was never engaged in any activity that would produce lights like this. This is called a crown flash, which takes place when lightning is reflected off of water droplets in rainstorms, a sort of rainbow generated by lightning instead of sunlight. So much for HAARP.

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Last month was recorded as the hottest May on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), since the organization started recording temperatures in 135 years ago. The previous 4 months were each the hottest on record for that month as well. 2015 is forecast to break last year’s record for the highest global average temperature once again. Thirteen of the 14 hottest years on record have been in this century.
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In view of Starfire Tor’s vision of the future that emerges in the second half of Dreamland, this week for subscribers, we return to October 19, 2002 and Linda Moulton Howe discussing Earth’s future with Chet Snow, in the context of the geometry of crop circles. What was thought of Earth’s destiny in 2002? Was the vision of the future that was evolving in those days in any way true or accurate? People were thinking about the impact of 2012 and the coming 21st Century, but was their thinking valid?
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