They knew it was coming. They knew it would be large and that it would be devastating. They just didn’t know quite when it would strike or exactly where. They also did not know what could be done in the short term to minimize the loss of life and property damage that would inevitably result.

That’s why they met in Kathmandu – as it turns out – just one week before the 7.8 magnitude temblor struck on Saturday. The international team of 50 experts in earthquakes and the social sciences assembled to discuss the dangers and the possibilities for minimizing the damage and recovery process.
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Trees are going up in China even as they are coming down along the Amazon and in Indonesia’s Sumatran and Kalimantan provinces. Vegetation is increasing in Russia as abandoned farmlands regrow their forests. And because of increases in rainfall – grasslands have increased in Australia, Africa and South America.

Collectively, the carbon storage capacity of this biomass has increased by 4 billion tons since 2003, according to a recent study published in the journal, Nature Climate Change. And China is leading the way with its Great Green Wall project located in Northern China.
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This object is not acting like a drone, a balloon or any natural object. It could be a simple CGI effect, but if so an additional effort has been made to cue the comments of the witnesses. Unlikely to be a CGI effect. Witness states that this was made over the Westin Hotel in Virginia Beach on April 18 at midnight. B–Likely True

If you know of any other such sightings in the area, please write
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On  March 27, Whitley Strieber and Jeremy Vaeni discussed some strange synchronicities involving Jeremy’s show the Experience and Whitley’s life. Bizarrely, the synchronicities continued and became even stranger. Listen in as they discuss some of the high strangeness revolving around the Experience arriving on
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