Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained
Turning People Into Robots – Step-by-Step-by-Step
How would you like little electronic impulses to guide you on your way? Never mind the nudge of hunches and intuition. Forget the danger and bother of attending to Siri’s synthetic voice and frequently faulty instructions. Why not wear your directional signals in your underwear – in advance of getting them implanted – for streamlined living and flawless navigation?
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The Psychic Universe
Is the physical universe embedded in a psychic universe emanating from a spiritual one? According to Chris Leask’s experiences, the answer is yes. We will explore his experiences and the implications, including, in the second half of the show for subscribers, one that may have involved host Jeremy Vaeni.
Another Pro Gets a UFO Photo, this Time over Rome
Surprisingly, this is the second time in a week that we find ourselves publishing a UFO story on the main site. Our policy is to reserve these stories for our Out There section unless there is a level of professional involvement and virtual certainty that the object cannot be explained. This is such a story. The photographer, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been confirmed by the Mediterranean UFO Center to be a professional celebrity photographer. He was shooting footage of a passing airliner from his patio in Rome when the object briefly appeared. He did not notice it while making the video.
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