Forecasting major climactic and geologic events by observing animal behavior in the wild is a way of life for nature-based cultures. Modern science, however, has largely ignored the potentially life-saving value that could be derived from studying Nature’s early warning system.

Now, however, increasing numbers of researchers are employing the scientific method – along with advanced technology – to quantify the necessarily anecdotal evidence of changes in animal behavior in advance of a significant event. They are also seeking to arrive at a consensus regarding causation.
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This photo, found by UFO investigator Scott Waring, was taken during an unmanned Mercury mission on December 19, 1960. There is a possibility that it’s a reflection on the window, but the shape is unusual enough to suggest something similar to the famous Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO of 2007. Graded B: Possible Unknown.

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This photo, found by UFO investigator Scott Waring, was taken during an unmanned Mercury mission on December 19, 1960. There is a possibility that it’s a reflection on the window, but the shape is unusual enough to suggest something similar to the famous Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO of 2007. Graded B: Possible Unknown.

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First Half of Dreamland (Free)

Tricia McCannon is one of the great wisdom teachers of our time, and this week she brings her knowledge to Dreamland in this powerful discussion of her book the Return of the Divine Sophia: Healing the Earth through the Lost Wisdom Teachings of Jesus, Isis and Mary Magdalene.
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