On March 31, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared. Incredibly, over a year later, it has not yet been found. The plane, a Boeing 777 with 239 passengers and crew aboard, was enroute from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it made a sudden turn, flew on for hours, then disappeared. At present, the only search being conducted is taking place in the southern Indian Ocean where officials are confident that the plane will be found. There are 10 possible debris fields remaining to be explored before the Austral winter, which starts in May, will make navigation too hazardous to continue the search.
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Through ALMA, the world’s most sophisticated and powerful telescope of its kind, astronomers have finally been able to prove beyond doubt what poets and mystics have known intuitively all along: Life is everywhere.

With the use of the Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array telescope, which can detect “the faint millimeter wavelength radiation that is naturally emitted by molecules in space,” researchers have identified the presence of complex organic molecules essential to life in a protoplanetary disk surrounding ‘MWC 480,’ a million-year-old star.
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Visitors. Ghosts. Rainbow People. Dinosaurs. Just how strange can strange get? If this week’s episode were a tabloid headline few would believe it. But it’s not. It’s life. These things are real. And this week’s guest stepped forward because he heard host Jeremy Vaeni on another program talking about his first high strangeness experience at the age of three: watching a parade go by that did not exist. He, too, experienced this and thought he was alone. Now, he’s sharing his highly unusual experiences so that those of us experiencing the same don’t have to feel alone anymore.
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You might think there’s nothing quite so eerie as the idea of being abducted by alien beings, placed on a table and probed with strange instruments as entities with large black eyes or insect-like appearances hover over you. Even more frightening is the idea of that happening to children. Yet, it seems that many of those who say they’ve experienced multiple abductions throughout their lives were first snatched at a very young age. Connie J. Cannon, a retired nurse from St. Augustine, Florida has clear memories of at least three childhood abductions.
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