On December 28, Air Asia Flight QZ8501 suddenly ascended during an extreme thunderstorm, then crashed into the Java Sea with the loss of all 162 people aboard. Now a Germanwings A320 has crashed into the Alps with the loss of all 150 people aboard. In this case, the weather was normal and the plane was at an altitude of 38,000 feet when it went into a vertical dive and disintegrated on impact. During the descent, the pilots did not radio a distress call, indicating either that the situation was such that they could not do so, or that they were not in control of the aircraft. The White House has stated that it has no indication that terrorism might have been involved, but the fact that the flight descended for 8 minutes with no distress call leaves that possibility open.
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A study just published in Nature Climate Change reports an "exceptional" weakening of the Gulf Stream system across the twentieth century, and suggests that the entire system of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is in jeopardy. But the lack of measurements means that the degree to which this is true is unclear. The weakening of the system is the probable cause of the recent harsh winters in North America, as the polar vortex has ceased to be held in position by warm air that is normally driven northward by the current.read more

1st Half (Free Dreamland)

Edgar Cayce was the first person ever to describe himself as a ‘channel,’ and he was one of the greatest channels of all time. His medical readings are legendary, his prophecies amazing.

But who was he, really, and how did he come by his knowledge? We talk to Mitch Horowitz, who wears a hat—among many others—as an expert on Cayce.

Editor in Chief of Tarcher/Penguin, Mitch has just republished the classic biography of Cayce: There is a River, the Story of Edgar Cayce by Thomas Sugrue.
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Russia has threatened Denmark with nuclear consequences if it participates in NATO’s missile shield program. The program is designed to shield the NATO alliance area from missiles from any region, not just Russia. It has been made a defense priority in Europe, primarily because of the missile program under development in Iran. European intelligence sources believe that Iran now has a missile capable of reaching Europe, but that it is not accurate enough to be reliably targeted. A pattern of purchasing efforts over the past few years, however, indicates that the Islamic Republic is working quickly to change this, and it can be expected that target acquisition capabilities are increasing steadily.
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