We now know from the Condign Report that John Burroughs was injured by terrahertz radiation that has been described as nonionizing, but was not, like most nonionizing radiation, such as light, relatively harmless. And now Linda has discovered that a big part of the continuing coverup of the visitor presence is that there is an effort going on to secretly weaponize this radiation. Meanwhile, people like John Burroughs were left to suffer until the VA finally admitted that it was unknown radiation from an unidentified object that injured him in Rendlesham Forest in 1980. And Anne Strieber, exposed to an unknown degree to this radiation, now has a lethal brain tumor that is, in part, of a rare type known to be caused by radiation. So, is Anne a victim, too?read more

UPDATE: CIA medical officer Christopher "Kit" Greene has posted an extensive comment on the Above Top Secret website about his efforts to obtain John Burroughs’ records. He makes specific statements about what caused John’s injuries that confirm that the source was unknown.

Linda Moulton Howe
Earthfiles.com Editor
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JP was raised a pagan. His mother is a powerful witch who performs exorcisms on haunted houses. He has spent his life in high strangeness, often invoking it as opposed to having it happen to him. In this talk, we go down the list of some entity types we’ve talked about on the show to see if he has experienced them, too. If he has, and he’s not an "abductee," what does this tell us about the nature of–and the closeness of–these phenomena our culture has deemed alien?
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This is not a morality tale about planetary preservation – and what happens if you don’t take good care of your literal ground of being. But after years of assuming that Mars is and always had been inhospitable to life, scientists at NASA are now convinced that an ocean once covered 20% of the surface of Mars. In some places, the ocean was likely a mile in depth. And according to Charles Cockell, a professor of astrobiology at Edinburgh University, “The longer water persists on a planetary body in one location, particularly if there is geological turnover, the more likely it is that it would provide a habitable environment for a suitable duration for life to either originate or proliferate. An ocean would meet this need.”
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