We’re doing it the wrong way – A senior SETI astronomer says that we are trying to communicate with other intelligent life forms in the wrong way–maybe we should be searching for thinking machines rather than biological life forms.
Researcher Seth Shostak says we are assuming that extraterrestrial intelligence can be found in worlds like ours, with liquid water and gaseous atmospheres. But the development of artificial intelligence, which is the next step for mankind, may have already occurred on other worlds. In PhysOrg.com, Lin Edwards quotes Shostak as saying that we may be “chasing a very short-lived prey.”
Are the Visitors predators, as some people say? Or are they friends and even family? If you want to know more about this, listen to the people who are actually having these experiences. Anne Strieber has started a series of special interviews about UFO contact just for subscribers, with abductees and experiencers, so if you want to know what contact is REALLY LIKE, don’t miss this incredible group of interviews!
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