Westerners usually don’t eat Asian food for Christmas dinner, but maybe we SHOULD, and there’s no more need to be afraid of Chinese cuisine: It used to be feared that soy products (such as tofu) promoted breast cancer, but now nutritionists say that including soyfoods in a balanced diet will improve nutrient intake among the US population. A review of data suggests that there is no increased risk of breast cancer linked to moderate soy consumption.
Oncologist Leena Hilakivi-Clarke says, "Soy appears to be protective and is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer reoccurrence for women who have consumed soy throughout most of their life. At this point in time, the effects of soyfoods on breast cancer reoccurrence in patients who have not previously consumed soy are not known." The American Cancer Society says that up to three servings a day of soyfoods is safe for women at risk for or with a history of breast cancer.
Meanwhile, soybean farmers are having trouble keeping up with the demand: When they try to grow them in areas where they have seldom, if ever, been grown. Iron deficient soils in the North Central United States are estimated to reduce soy bean production by 12.5 million bushels every year.
If YOU’RE having a hard time figuring out what to eat, you need Anne Strieber’s famous diet book "What I Learned from the Fat Years," which is now available as a download! When she found her clothes were getting too tight she thought they had all shrunk, until she realized she had gained weight due to Type II diabetes, a genetic condition that manifests in late middle age and makes it easy to gain weight and hard to lose it. She not only discovered WHY some of us have this gene, but what to do about it, and after three years of diet and exercise, she managed to lose 100 pounds–and YOU can too! This isn’t an advice book written by a doctor or celebrity, it’s a diet book written by a REAL DIETER, who sympathizes with what you’re going through that has helped thousands of people to shed those unwanted pounds.
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