It isn’t just war in the Sudan that is tearing apart Africa, it’s earthquakes as well. Cracks began to be seen years ago, but it recent months they’ve increased, meaning that the continent is breaking apart in slow motion.

On the Before it’s News website, Axel Bojanowski quotes geologist Cynthia Ebinger as saying, "The volcano was bubbling over; flaming-red lava was shooting up into the sky." The fissures began appearing years ago. But in recent months, seismic activity has accelerated in northeastern Africa as the continent breaks apart in slow motion. Researchers say that lava in the region is consistent with magma normally seen on the sea floor — and that water will ultimately cover the desert.

Axel Bojanowski quotes researcher Tim Wright as saying, "For now, no one can really say when the sea will finally flood the desert. But when it does, it could go quickly. The hills could sink in a matter of days."

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