Astrobiologist Richard B. Hoover has discovered evidence of microfossils that resemble bacteria in fresh (so they couldn’t have become contaminated later) slices of the interior surfaces of 3 carbon-filled meteorites. After looking at them under an electron microscope, he has determined that they resemble bacteria found on Earth. His conclusion? These are not Earthly contaminants but are the fossilized remains of living organisms which lived in these meteors, which are rocks that impacted Earth from space. The incredible implication of this discovery is that life is EVERYWHERE, and that life on Earth may have come from other planets.

SETI’s Seth Shostak finds the suggestions and possibilities to be "stunning." On Fox News, Garrett Tenney quotes him as saying, "Maybe life was seeded on earth–it developed on comets for example, and just landed here when these things were hitting the very early Earth. It would suggest, well, life didn’t really begin on the Earth, it began as the solar system was forming."

Tenney quotes Hoover as saying, "I interpret it as indicating that life is more broadly distributed than restricted strictly to the planet earth. This field of study has just barely been touched–because quite frankly, a great many scientists would say that this is impossible. A lot of times it takes a long time before scientists start changing their mind as to what is valid and what is not. I’m sure there will be many many scientists that will be very skeptical and that’s OK.” So what are wereally?

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