Not everybody is happy about being in debt. People who are looking for a job should be concerned that they are being rated on social media sites. Companies have long used criminal background checks when someone applies for a job, but now they’re checking social media sites to find out what their applicants have been up to for the past few years.
Hours of charity work? Racist remarks or references to drugs? Explicit photos or photos of themselves holding guns? One potential employee was turned down for a job because he had posted pictures of himself standing in a greenhouse filled with marijuana plants.
In the July 21st edition of the New York Times, Jennifer Preston quotes Max Drucker, CEO of Social Intelligence, as saying, "We are not detectives. All we assemble is what is publicly available on the Internet today."
One thing that will count against you when you go in for that job interview (or post photos of yourself on Facebook) is being OVERWEIGHT. How can you get rid of that excess poundage so you can make a good impression? We have the answer! If you’re eating too much, you need to download Anne Strieber’s famous diet book, "What I Learned From the Fat Years." Using scientific principles, she devised a diet that helped her to lose 100 pounds and YOU CAN TOO, at less than $5, it costs MUCH LESS than the ineffective diet books you’ll find in stores!
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