Some politicians have a hard time talking, while others just LOOK terrible, but we may not notice them because they don’t get much TV coverage. Israelis are watching the upcoming US elections carefully, because a Middle East peace treaty may depend on who wins.
Researchers at the University of Haifa have found a link between the good looks of US politicians and the amount of TV coverage they receive. The possible reason: TV producers think their viewers want to see good-looking people.
In fact, the researchers say that "Physical appearance ranked third in the criteria for gaining television coverage, and ranked higher than seniority, position in Congress and legislative activity in this respect." And as we all know, a candidate who gets more coverage is more likely to be elected. They found no connection between a member of Congress’s media efforts and his or her television coverage. However, if this was ALWAYS the case, there would be no ugly people in Congress, and those of us who see our senators and representatives on the local TV news KNOW this isn’t true.
Come to think of it, there are almost no FAT or bald people in government. We can’t help you with the hair, but if you’re thinking of entering politics but fear your waist size may hold you back, you need Anne Strieber’s famous diet book, "What I Learned from the Fat Years." Using scientific principles, she devised a diet that helped her to lose 100 pounds and YOU CAN TOO, and at less than $5, it costs MUCH LESS than the ineffective diet books you’ll find in stores, so you can use the rest of your money for your campaign!
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