Soon you won’t have to type or even talk because a major computer manufacturer is working on a computer that will be able to read your mind.

In the Huffington Post, Ramona Emerson writes: "When the folks at IBM predicted that ‘ in 2008, they probably didn’t know it would only be three years until that became a mainstream reality with the introduction of Apple’s voice-activated personal assistant Siri." In a few years, with the help of sensors connected to their mobile phones, people may be able to make a call just by THINKING about it (now if they could only TALK to each other by transmitting thoughts, we wouldn’t have to overhear all those cell calls).

If YOUR computer could read YOUR mind, it would tell you to make sure that your favorite website,, will still be here tomorrow, and believe it or not, that’s not necessarily going to be the case: We want to deliver a small but subtle warning to all our readers and listeners: If we don’t get more support from you, we will be nothing more than a memory in the future. So if you really DO love us, subscribe today!

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