Weed killers are killing us: Monsanto, the creator of pesticide resistant seeds–such as StarLink corn–has been found guilty in a court in France of poisoning a French farmer after he accidentally inhaled fumes from its weed killer 8 years ago.
In the Independent, John Lichfield quotes the late Paul Francois’ lawyer, Francois Lafforgue, as saying, "It is an historic decision in so far as it is the first time that a (herbicide) maker is found guilty. People who were used to fobbing people off with reassuring arguments can now be prosecuted if their products are found to be dangerous for people or the environment."
Francois died after suffering neurological and muscular problems for years, which included fainting spells, memory loss, headaches and stammering. A year after the accident, his body was found to contain significant traces of monochlorobenzene, a toxic component of the Monsanto pesticide that is not listed on the package label.
It’s well known that pesticides can cause Parkinson’s disease and that agricultural pesticides can interfere with breast feeding.
Lichfield quotes environmentalist lawyer Stephane Cottineau as saying, "This will give encouragement to a lot of other people. It will now be possible to sue manufacturers whenever there is a clear link between illness and a specific chemical product."
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