We’ve all heard for dozens of years of innovative cancer cures confiscated by the government. Often, the innovation had to do with esoteric technologies that could be mistaken for quackery by the uninitiated. But what happens when a miraculous cure comes from a super-molecule that is already part of one’s own body – and it appears to have the power to reverse end-stage cancer, heal a variety of other illness, create remarkable improvements in autistic children, and ‘reboot’ a damaged human microbiome?

Does the government jump on it to accelerate research on this potential miracle cure? Or does it jump all over the manufacturer to prevent further R & D?

If you’re a regular reader of unknowncountry, the answer is obvious to you. In this case, the government is the UK and the potential cure is a discovery by Italian molecular biologist Marco Ruggiero, who worked at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), in Bethesda, Maryland. Ooops!

In his experimentation with breast cancer cell lines in a laboratory, Ruggerio found – to his own amazement that ‘Gc-protein-derived macrophage activating factor’, or ‘GcMAF’(pronounced ‘Gee-cee-maf’) stopped cancer cells from spreading and transformed them into healthy cells. It also rendered harmless the potentially-carcinogenic heavy metal within the cells, invigorated the body’s natural detox system, increased energy production in mitochondria and improved “the metabolic activity and connectivity of neurons in the brain,” according to best-selling author/researcher Lynne McTaggart, a resident of the UK.

Though Ruggiero and his esteemed, international colleagues have published many papers in reputable scientific journals on the wide-range of healing properties of GcMAF, the UK’s Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) took it upon themselves to raid the manufacturing plant, ImmunoBiotech in Milton, Cambridgeshire, and to confiscate 10,000 vials of the product.

On the government’s own web site is a description of this heroic act on behalf of the public’s well-being. Gerald Heddell, MHRA Director of Inspection, Enforcement and Standards said: “These products may pose a significant risk to people’s health. Not only were the manufacturing conditions unacceptable but the originating material was not suitable for human use. GcMAF products labeled as ‘First Immune’ are not licensed medicines and have not been tested for quality, safety or effectiveness. People should not start treatment with these specific products. It is important that patients currently taking these products seek their doctor’s advice as soon as possible. People should continue taking prescribed medicines and follow the advice of their doctor. … We would advise anybody needing treatment to seek professional medical advice and not to buy medicines from unauthorised sources.” https://www.gov.uk/government/news/regulator-warns-against-gcmaf-made-in-unlicensed-facility-in-cambridgeshire

The government web site lists the unauthorized sites that people in health crises should avoid at all costs. First among them is http://www.gcmaf.eu which posted this plea on its home page:

“If you are British, will you please sign Lord Saatchi’s Bill?
The medical laws have been changed over the last 40 years so that all the brilliant breakthroughs in cancer are denied to the British public. Lord Maurice Saatchi had to watch his wife die, while his doctor told him the only thing he was allowed to prescribe her was chemotherapy, which would shorten her life. He hopes to bring the Medical Innovation Bill to Parliament, so instead of obeying a destructive government law, a doctor will be able to prescribe whatever treatment is best for the patient.”

No GcMAF products had been sold. The CEO of ImmunoBiotech had given them away to 100 patients and McTaggart interviewed four of them. Three had had end-stage cancer, which completely turned around. The fourth was the mother of an autistic child who claimed ‘extraordinary effects.’

The chief pharmacist of Guernsey, Ed Freestone, said that, ‘There is no current information suggesting the product has caused direct harm to anyone’s health.’ And the 100 residents of Guernsey who have used the product are banning together to mount a legal challenge.

As the government’s action and McTaggart’s article makes clear, it may take people banning together and fighting for their lives to prevent big business from preying on the sick and impeding all research that might wean people of their dependency on pharmacology and lead them to lasting health. As Lord Saatchi’s bill recognizes, the right of the people to experiment with promising, innovative health treatments should be inalienable.

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