The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released average global temperature data for the month of August, which shows that it was the hottest August on record, and also the hottest month of 2015. This also marks this year’s summer as the hottest on record, and puts 2015 in line to be the hottest year on record.
Exacerbating global temperatures will be the continued development of this year’s super El Niño in the Pacific Ocean. The only region on the planet to have seen consistently cooler than average temperatures this year is the region in the North Atlantic just south of Greenland — however, this is not good news, as the cooling trend there is due to the continued melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which is pouring meltwater into the ocean and interrupting the flow of the Gulf Stream, which is why a much colder winter is being projected for Europe.
In the past, sudden climate change has been associated with large amounts of freshwater melt entering the North Atlantic, as is happening now.
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