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Riz Virk who was last with us for his amazing book Treasure Hunt, about intuition and how to use it, returns with an even more incredible book: the Simulation Hypothesis. So is life truly being played out on a stage? One of the first communications Whitley received from Anne after her passing was a cheerful announcement: “it’s a game!”

Riz and Whitley explore such questions as, if this is a simulation, who does it belong to? If it’s us,
then who are we, and if it’s not, then who are the owners of the game and why have they created it?
They end with a discussion of why UFO flight characteristics suggest that this may indeed be
simulation, and with the question, are we players or pawns?

Riz might be on the Matrix like the rest of us, but he’s closer to the edge. Don’t miss this one!

Riz’s website is

Get his book through us. To explore and order, click here!

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Dreamland Video podcast
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  1. ..certainly explains a lot…but what about those pre-industrials?..who suffered in the mud?? just props?

  2. Hi, I wanted to listen to the May 14 interview with Riz Virk & while it comes up in the search, there’s no audio. Thx

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