Lester NareIn this episode, monthly guest host, Kelly Chase, sits down with an exciting new voice in the UFO/UAP world, Lester Nare. Lester is a political strategist and the founder of the UAP Caucus, which is an independent, community-driven platform for elevating UAP conversation. 

They discuss the challenging landscape of UAP disclosure and the importance of bridging the gaps between scientific inquiry, legislative action, and public perception. Lester shares his insights on the steps needed to meaningfully move the ball forward on multiple fronts, as well as what he expects to see in Washington D.C. in the coming months.

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More About Lester

Lester Nare stands at the confluence of technology, real estate innovation, and the enigmatic world of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). As the visionary founder of UAP Caucus, Lester has pioneered a platform that melds scientific inquiry with public policy and community engagement, shedding light on one of the most perplexing subjects of our time.

With an esteemed academic foundation from Princeton University and a dynamic career that spans over a decade in the startup ecosystem, Lester has been instrumental in redefining the real estate sector. His leadership in developing Steadworth, a revolutionary platform designed to democratize homeownership, showcases his commitment to leveraging technology for societal advancement.

However, Lester’s passion extends beyond the tangible landscapes of real estate and into the uncharted territories of UAP. Driven by a quest for transparency and a deep-seated belief in the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, he has positioned UAP Caucus as a critical forum for advancing understanding, facilitating research, and advocating for informed policy in the realm of UAP.

Lester’s approach to UAP advocacy is characterized by a rigorous commitment to data-driven analysis, an openness to diverse perspectives, and an unwavering dedication to public education. His work underscores the necessity of confronting the unknown with both scientific rigor and an openness to the vast possibilities that lie beyond our current understanding.

Based in Los Angeles, Lester’s influence transcends geographical boundaries, inspiring a global community of researchers, policymakers, and the public to engage with the UAP phenomenon in a thoughtful, informed manner. His dual role as a tech entrepreneur and UAP advocate exemplifies a unique blend of practical innovation and exploratory zeal, making him a distinctive voice in the ongoing conversation about humanity’s place in the cosmos.

About UAP Caucus

At the forefront of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) advocacy and research, UAP Caucus stands as a beacon of innovation, collaboration, and transparency. Founded with the mission to bridge the gap between scientific inquiry, public interest, and legislative action, UAP Caucus is dedicated to fostering an informed, open dialogue on UAPs and their implications for science, technology, national security, and human understanding.

Rooted in the belief that the mysteries surrounding UAPs demand a multidisciplinary approach, UAP Caucus leverages a network of professionals from a diverse array of fields including aerospace, astrophysics, engineering, public policy, and more. By synthesizing technical knowledge with policy advocacy and the public interest, UAP Caucus aims to drive forward a national and global conversation that is grounded in rigor, evidence, and inclusivity.

UAP Caucus is not only a platform for dialogue and research but also an active participant in the legislative process. It works tirelessly to inform policymakers, advocate for transparency and accountability in government UAP investigations, and ensure public access to credible information. Through initiatives such as the push for the UAP Disclosure Act and the development of open-source tools for UAP reporting and analysis, UAP Caucus is shaping the landscape of UAP research and public engagement.

In an era where the line between known and unknown is ever-evolving, UAP Caucus embodies the spirit of discovery and the pursuit of truth. It stands as a testament to the power of collective effort and the importance of maintaining an open, informed, and respectful discourse on matters that challenge our understanding of the world.



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  1. What a fabulous interview! We need more of these intellectual but logical conversations. Kelly, I love your content & choice of guests, Whitley is lucky to have you. I look forward to following more of your work, as well as Lester’s. And I loved his comment…”Choose a very narrow lane.” That struck a note with me. Thanks to all of you at Unknown Country!

  2. I had a non-trivial, capital ‘D’ organic purge response to this. With that being said, perhaps I just need an advocate to on-ramp me back in lane.

    Anyway, back to my own vernacular…I’m not sure I get the ‘Choose a narrow lane’ thing. Certainly, focus is good…but only when tempered with a periodic widening of ones attention.

  3. For those of us who have been studying/ experiencing all of this for many years (over 50 years for me), the things discussed were not new, but just re-framed and intellectualized by and for a different generation. One has to only look at the political, legal, and socio-economic situation in just this nation, let alone the world, to understand it is extremely complex. (Herding cats comes to mind.) If you also include added layers of the spiritual and emotional aspects of it all?

    Nare addressed the internet and its importance briefly, without addressing the bigger issue of disinformation. Pranks online are one thing, but disinformation is another, not to mention out and out lying—on so many things. Pair the bad information available to American citizens, and the sheer ignorance of so many, as well as a lack of discernment, and there is a recipe for disaster on a huge scale. Factor in a major election that could change the political landscape in profound ways, and the UAP problem may fade once again, with a new culture that may de-emphasize science completely, except to make money from it. We’re almost there now.

    After all this time, and all the lies and obfuscation by all levels of the government and military, I no longer believe that ‘Disclosure’ must come from my government or the military, because the trust has been eroded. Grusch and Elizondo are not my go-to guys either.

    I would be interested to see Nare’s and Kelly’s take on all this in 5-10 years, and the attending life experience that accumulates for them in that time. The learning curve will be steep, but, hopefully, worth it. And my sincere hope is that Kelly does really well in the field… a field dominated by male perspectives.

    I do not like seeing the marriage of capitalism and UFO ‘studies’. Before I listen to ‘Dreamland’, I also peruse information about the guests, websites, etc., and Nare’s pairing his real estate business with ‘UAP Caucus’ on his website I found unnerving. After looking around more, I found out how to link to the actual UAP Caucus website. So, the link provided above ‘Website’, was Nare’s business related site. To get to Nare’s ‘UAP Caucus’ website, go here: https://www.uapcaucus.com/… unless you are interested in acquiring real estate.

    I don’t know if Kelly or Nare are familiar with ‘A.D. After Disclosure: The People’s Guide to Life After Contact’, but a lot of information addressed in the discussion was was also covered there. (Nare mentioned Dolan briefly, so maybe he has read the book by Dolan and Bryce Zabel.)

    Sherbet, I’m not so sure about on-ramps or choosing a ‘narrow lane’ either. I learned to drive in L.A. (sorry for one more acronym) and choosing any lane (Narrow or otherwise) was often out of my control, especially during rush hour. ( True story: I was once caught in the lane right next to the lane that then Governor Reagan was stuck in, while doing paperwork in the backseat of his limo.) Driver’s training taught students to always get the ‘big picture’ when on the road…And the UAP issue is a ‘big picture’ thing as well. The more you know about every aspect of of it, the better.

    1. One new element in this generation is that there appears to be a fairly large scale organization effort to better inform the public and coerce the government into some form of disclosure. Whether this will work out or not is anyone’s guess.

      1. I don’t know if that is a new element, or if the younger (and better educated, in the case of Kelly and Nara)) generation is more savvy about how things work. If you know the history, there were lots ‘UFO’ groups in the 50’s and 60’s, but they didn’t get anywhere. While social media and the internet have their flaws, they do provide instant data, information, and access to a very large demographic of people worldwide—including politically and with government and government officials. That, in and if itself, is huge. I post ‘news’ on a certain social media site daily, and am able to post one or more (serious) stories about the phenomenon per day. (NOT Twitter, where it is nuts and my voice was lost.)

  4. The biggest issue is there are many NHI (and UAP)!

    There are numerous Extra-Terrestrial species (10, 100, more?) who have been engaging humanity for ages and they do not all have the same agenda. Advanced evolution includes amazing psychic abilities and inter dimensional wisdom. There is intergalactic machine intelligence and Earth and the creation of our species is a project which it manages. Genetic material is harvested. There are also many ‘metaphysical’ NHI, some can be considered ‘from above’ and some ‘from below’ (simplistic binary for a vast number of phenomenon such as Ghosts, Spirits, Angels, Demons, Psychic Parasites, Gaia, … whatever … labels have existed, but are not to get stuck on). Doubt whatever you want, believe whatever you want, stay so noncommittal that the statistical logic is ignored: Just know its mindbogglingly deep.

    Every time I hear ‘what is THE origin’; I hear a statement that confuses the issue. All kinds of things are happening (and many can appear as lights in the sky). Some of the phenomenon targets individuals based on abstract and unknown criteria. This involve humans as living souls, very personal and intimate.

    This was an excellent conversation. It highlights the complexity and why a single journal would be inadequate and peer review is insufficient to cover all the interdisciplinary requirements.

    Thank you both 🙂

  5. What a wonderful and eloquent guest! Also nice to finally get more diversity in the guest list. Thank you Kelly!

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