Matt Hendrick had a terrible accident, then an NDE where he was told NOT to go back. But he returned anyway to a new, radically changed life, then an incredible up-close UFO sighting…and what a powerful story he has to tell! Only an interviewer like Whitley, with his extensive knowledge of things like soul groups, could have done this wonderful, heart-warming and powerful interview.

Dreamland Video podcast
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  1. Whitley… you sort of glossed over something I am desperate to know more about — I’m 77 and am thinking about my own ‘end of life’ and what happens specifically at the time of death. You said so assuredly that your guest doesn’t have to worry about ascending, but not everyone ascends, depending on how ‘heavy’ they are (what does that mean, please?). Some remain on the physical plane (Earth?) and some go ‘below’ (you alluding to something not pleasant?). How do we assure ascention? This is a very important question that I ask you to answer to put my mind at ease. I would appreciate anything you care to explain in more depth. I listened intensely tonight and want to know all there is to know about ‘end of life’and what I can expect when my time comes. I’ve had a life of struggle for much of it (a very difficult childhood) and have tried to create good Karma while here. Hopefully, it means I will either advance to do better things and/or be returned to my soul group. I’m very hopeful that I will no longer have to return to the Earth plane.
    Tonight’s show was a very interesting perspective on the subject of ‘lessons and Karma, and I’m looking forward to much more.
    Thanks Whitley..

  2. I haven’t listened yet, just heard Mr Strieber explain about the video issues but boy am I now looking forward!

    Only UC could electrify my Sat morning while taking breakfast like this. Awesome.

    Bless you all.


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