A slow and deliberate process of disclosure has been under way for about 10 years, and may take another step forward in March of 2016. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, it has for some years been illegal to keep a substantial amount of UFO information hidden, that is nevertheless still held secret.

There are three reasons that this has been done: first, the information is provocative without being clear; second, it implies that something that we do not understand is affecting us, and there is an intelligent locomotion behind it; third, our scientific and intellectual communities are not adequately prepared to address it.

In February, my colleague Jeff Kripal and I will publish a book entitled Super Natural: a New Vision of the Unexplained. This is intended to offer a more useful ground for study of the broad phenomenon that we are facing, which is much more complex than is commonly supposed, and will require many years of careful scientific and academic work to bring it into anything approaching a clear focus. However, the scientific techniques and academic skills are there, and can be effectively applied to this large problem. Hopefully, the book will help a little.

More importantly, in March, a group of 18 policy documents will be released by the UK MoD. These documents, I believe, relate to material that was released in the Condign Report in 2006. In that report, it is stated that "plasmas unknown to science" affected military personnel in Rendlesham Forest in the UK in December of 1980, the famous Bentwaters UFO case. Over the years, personnel who were present have fought continuously for the truth about what they experienced to be told, and they are all owed a great debt for their efforts.

If they are released in full, the policy documents are expected to contain discussions about whether or not the lights and structures observed in Rendlesham Forest and by base radars were under intelligent control, and to speculate on what this may mean. However, I gather that the community responsible for these documents must feel a sense of assurance that the social reaction will advance human understanding without disempowering our crucial scientific and intellectual cultures by leaving us with a vision of something that seems to be a product of intelligence, but so far beyond our knowledge that understanding seems impossible.

I feel a growing sense of urgency, though, because Earth is becoming unable to support the vast human biome, and the disruptions that result from negative planetary changes will soon command our entire focus.

One advantage the one would hope would come from a somewhat more open stance toward the mystery that we face is that a substantial number of scientific and academic enterprises will be encouraged to explore not only its core, but also the many corollary phenomena that are now being ignored, with the promise that new discoveries will be made that will have efficacy in many fields, including those relating to our preservation of our environment, and our ability to extend the reach of mankind in ways that now seem impossible. Most importantly, our understanding of who and what we are will become over time more clearly defined, and our confusion about, for example, the reality of what is now broadly called the supernatural will end.

Initially, the popular media will assume that the conventional alien hypothesis is the answer, and will call on various individuals and groups who will confirm this belief. There will be a debate. Are they good or bad, helpful or dangerous? Famous scientific spokesmen and religious leaders will be called upon to comment. In other words, it could all go far beyond what is likely being discussed in the policy documents.

It will be many years before any response at the popular level will matter, in terms of advancing knowledge. In professional circles, one might hope that the response will be more measured. The academic community will be faced with a truly exciting prospect, which will be to re-interpret our past responses to this presence, and to show how our current reactions are not to something unique to our era, but are a modern retelling of a story that has been with us throughout our whole time on Earth, and present here, in all probability, so much longer than we have, that to describe it as "alien" is to fundamentally misunderstand it. At the same time, the scientific response, in reconsidering the whole range of phenomena, will result in a new insight into the nature of mind that will turn out to be crucial.

Governments, acting under thoughtful advice, are not to blame for failing to disclose the whole truth of this matter years ago. Because our cultural infrastructure was not prepared with a practical response, what would have been gained?

We have reached a point now, though, where we can absorb the first edges of insight into what for us is a new reality, and begin to make our way deeper into the dangers and wonders that it promises to disclose.

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  1. So often the people who are
    So often the people who are experiencers, or those intrigued by such phenomena, seem to indicate that something immense is “about” to happen. Often these indications point to events related to Earth’s ecology or human consciousness or what is sometimes called “disclosure.” I truly hope this is not another iteration of such pronouncements. I really do trust Whitley and value highly his analysis and thoughts on everything from the Visitors to politics to writing. I’ll be waiting to see–as I’m sure many people will–if something substantial happens.

  2. So often the people who are
    So often the people who are experiencers, or those intrigued by such phenomena, seem to indicate that something immense is “about” to happen. Often these indications point to events related to Earth’s ecology or human consciousness or what is sometimes called “disclosure.” I truly hope this is not another iteration of such pronouncements. I really do trust Whitley and value highly his analysis and thoughts on everything from the Visitors to politics to writing. I’ll be waiting to see–as I’m sure many people will–if something substantial happens.

  3. Insightful and intriguing as
    Insightful and intriguing as always Whitley… But I wonder what would really get the public’s attention on this matter? If I walked next door I don’t believe I would find that my neighbor knows anything whatsoever useful about this subject. In short, I think that for the vast majority of the population, it is completely irrelevant. They don’t know and they don’t care to know. It simply has no meaning whatsoever in their lives. Oh, they may have an opinion that UFOs are real, they may have even seen one, but it just doesn’t matter. There is no lack of evidence available, even official records, but the number of people who are really informed is miniscule compared to the vastly more numerous populace who really do not have a clue. Still, I hope you are right insomuch as the release of these documents will continue to seep into the public’s collective consciousness and drop by drop melt away the tip of the iceberg and force us to look under the surface! Thanks for providing this venue Whitley and Anne! I always look forward to both of your journal entries.

  4. Insightful and intriguing as
    Insightful and intriguing as always Whitley… But I wonder what would really get the public’s attention on this matter? If I walked next door I don’t believe I would find that my neighbor knows anything whatsoever useful about this subject. In short, I think that for the vast majority of the population, it is completely irrelevant. They don’t know and they don’t care to know. It simply has no meaning whatsoever in their lives. Oh, they may have an opinion that UFOs are real, they may have even seen one, but it just doesn’t matter. There is no lack of evidence available, even official records, but the number of people who are really informed is miniscule compared to the vastly more numerous populace who really do not have a clue. Still, I hope you are right insomuch as the release of these documents will continue to seep into the public’s collective consciousness and drop by drop melt away the tip of the iceberg and force us to look under the surface! Thanks for providing this venue Whitley and Anne! I always look forward to both of your journal entries.

  5. There is no device that is
    There is no device that is more creative, and simultaneously more destructive, than the human mind. The last thing the powers that be want us to know is ourselves and our potential. Thus, a rousing debate about aliens will be just what’s required to keep the general public from a consideration of human consciousness. Many UFO enthusiasts cannot see the forest for the trees; they do not realize how intimately they are involved in this whole matter. “In my Father’s house are many dwelling places” – there are worlds within worlds in the human mind.

    Laurence Galian

  6. There is no device that is
    There is no device that is more creative, and simultaneously more destructive, than the human mind. The last thing the powers that be want us to know is ourselves and our potential. Thus, a rousing debate about aliens will be just what’s required to keep the general public from a consideration of human consciousness. Many UFO enthusiasts cannot see the forest for the trees; they do not realize how intimately they are involved in this whole matter. “In my Father’s house are many dwelling places” – there are worlds within worlds in the human mind.

    Laurence Galian

  7. I would welcome a disclosure
    I would welcome a disclosure that would lead to a change in the way we think about our place in the universe. But I get the distinct impression that even if it comes, many will choose to deny it or not even entertain the idea. I feel that this subject is so imbedded at “the edge” of our lives that we disclosure and the realisation that we were never alone, that we are surrounded by life on many levels, will only happen on a personal basis if a person is willing to take a step toward the unknown. I have sat on the sidelines of all this for far too long and have been asking and trying to remove the things from my life that have been dragging me down. I have recently been given the chance to actively engage with this phenomenon through a CE5 type approach. The results have been eye opening, and the things I have seen in the sky in the last few months have changed me as a person. It’s early days but I want to continue to be active in trying to take that step forward toward the edge, I believe this is crucial in getting results, and the effort is noted and responded too by these intelligences. This is how disclosure is happening for me. As many files and documents can be released but until people let this enter their lives on a personal level , it will remain behind the curtain. Maybe I’m wrong?

    1. No Nicholas….you’re not
      No Nicholas….you’re not wrong! If you’ve never heard of Dr. Steven Greer, I invite you to visit his stage presentations and workshops preserved on YouTube. After listening to some of his lectures, much of what he says, I think, will resonate with you. All the best! RM

  8. I would welcome a disclosure
    I would welcome a disclosure that would lead to a change in the way we think about our place in the universe. But I get the distinct impression that even if it comes, many will choose to deny it or not even entertain the idea. I feel that this subject is so imbedded at “the edge” of our lives that we disclosure and the realisation that we were never alone, that we are surrounded by life on many levels, will only happen on a personal basis if a person is willing to take a step toward the unknown. I have sat on the sidelines of all this for far too long and have been asking and trying to remove the things from my life that have been dragging me down. I have recently been given the chance to actively engage with this phenomenon through a CE5 type approach. The results have been eye opening, and the things I have seen in the sky in the last few months have changed me as a person. It’s early days but I want to continue to be active in trying to take that step forward toward the edge, I believe this is crucial in getting results, and the effort is noted and responded too by these intelligences. This is how disclosure is happening for me. As many files and documents can be released but until people let this enter their lives on a personal level , it will remain behind the curtain. Maybe I’m wrong?

    1. No Nicholas….you’re not
      No Nicholas….you’re not wrong! If you’ve never heard of Dr. Steven Greer, I invite you to visit his stage presentations and workshops preserved on YouTube. After listening to some of his lectures, much of what he says, I think, will resonate with you. All the best! RM

  9. Certainly a wonderful
    Certainly a wonderful prospect however the process unravels. Of course, as you’ve noted and seems very plain, the visitors and whoever else is here are the ultimate guardians and driving force at the same time of their presence and the level to which that presence is made known it should seem.

  10. Certainly a wonderful
    Certainly a wonderful prospect however the process unravels. Of course, as you’ve noted and seems very plain, the visitors and whoever else is here are the ultimate guardians and driving force at the same time of their presence and the level to which that presence is made known it should seem.

  11. I do not have conscious
    I do not have conscious recollection of any contact or any profound sighting. I have always felt/believed/known that I am different than the vast majority and have read a multitude of contact books from a diverse group of authors.

    That being said, when pushing meditation to directed amount of non-action, I did perceive some odd events that were dismissed at time of occurrence. The odd events upon reflection were an acknowledgement or signal that something was cognizant of the effort expended.

    I look forward to any official disclosure, but do not place any significant amount of faith in organized religion or governmental body to provide meaningful answers. I fear that many in these groups will seize upon this to further entrench their grasp on the mass of human beings. If meaningful answers are to come forth, they will only be derived from those who have dared the edge and keep the question open in their hearts.

    I do hope that the fellow journeyers coalesce and provide focus to many that will be looking for any answers. A finite percentage of Western societies will gravitate to whatever group-think is pervasive or in vogue. There will not be a clarion or clearing of obfuscation overnight.

    Hearken to the Crabwood and Torino warnings about false messages and darkness. Let us provide the clarity for those that will heed it.

  12. I do not have conscious
    I do not have conscious recollection of any contact or any profound sighting. I have always felt/believed/known that I am different than the vast majority and have read a multitude of contact books from a diverse group of authors.

    That being said, when pushing meditation to directed amount of non-action, I did perceive some odd events that were dismissed at time of occurrence. The odd events upon reflection were an acknowledgement or signal that something was cognizant of the effort expended.

    I look forward to any official disclosure, but do not place any significant amount of faith in organized religion or governmental body to provide meaningful answers. I fear that many in these groups will seize upon this to further entrench their grasp on the mass of human beings. If meaningful answers are to come forth, they will only be derived from those who have dared the edge and keep the question open in their hearts.

    I do hope that the fellow journeyers coalesce and provide focus to many that will be looking for any answers. A finite percentage of Western societies will gravitate to whatever group-think is pervasive or in vogue. There will not be a clarion or clearing of obfuscation overnight.

    Hearken to the Crabwood and Torino warnings about false messages and darkness. Let us provide the clarity for those that will heed it.

  13. I don’t think we have any
    I don’t think we have any meaningful answers, and I agree with you, David, that we need to proceed carefully. Let’s first see if the document release takes place, and if it has any real meaning or effect. The Condign Report admits that the Rendlesham witnesses saw plasmas unknown to science, but the net effect of that startling revelation was nil. Even if it is now admitted that this fact caused policy discussions about whether or not the plasmas were intelligently controlled, one has to wonder if the net cultural effect would continue to be silence? Then again, what if the documents say flatly that they were under intelligent control and speculate about what this may mean? Maybe even that won’t be enough.

    My sense of the situation is that, if our scientific and academic institutions would pay some mind, they might be able to make unexpected progress in a number of useful directions, but my fear is that the intellectual community has so brainwashed itself, and been brainwashed, that not even that extraordinary admission will cause the enormous ship of culture to shift its rudder even an inch. If so, then it’s too bad, because the only way out I see for us, given the speed with which the environment is deteriorating, is some kind of extraordinary leap of mind, and embracing this reality and extracting what knowledge we can from it, I think, would potentially be such a leap.

    I also want to add that this isn’t really about getting the public’s attention. The public is unable to act on this. We need the people who have the tools to take notice. Those tools are academic and scientific skills. If, for example, there were to be a methodical study of us witnesses using the tools and methods I outlined in Solving the Communion Enigma, some progress would be made. But without some sort of awareness that there is a genuine mystery here, there is no will to act. Worse, granting entities are hostile to this research. However, if it is admitted that an intelligence might have been behind the events at Rendlesham, then perhaps curiosity will win out. Across the history of human inquiry, curiosity has almost always trumped, and it might again. As an example, look at what we are spending on CERN, and why. We want to understand, and we are willing to lavish vast resources to do this. My hope is that there will be an institutional change, basically that science and the academy will just plain get curious. Then we’ll start to make some progress.

  14. I don’t think we have any
    I don’t think we have any meaningful answers, and I agree with you, David, that we need to proceed carefully. Let’s first see if the document release takes place, and if it has any real meaning or effect. The Condign Report admits that the Rendlesham witnesses saw plasmas unknown to science, but the net effect of that startling revelation was nil. Even if it is now admitted that this fact caused policy discussions about whether or not the plasmas were intelligently controlled, one has to wonder if the net cultural effect would continue to be silence? Then again, what if the documents say flatly that they were under intelligent control and speculate about what this may mean? Maybe even that won’t be enough.

    My sense of the situation is that, if our scientific and academic institutions would pay some mind, they might be able to make unexpected progress in a number of useful directions, but my fear is that the intellectual community has so brainwashed itself, and been brainwashed, that not even that extraordinary admission will cause the enormous ship of culture to shift its rudder even an inch. If so, then it’s too bad, because the only way out I see for us, given the speed with which the environment is deteriorating, is some kind of extraordinary leap of mind, and embracing this reality and extracting what knowledge we can from it, I think, would potentially be such a leap.

    I also want to add that this isn’t really about getting the public’s attention. The public is unable to act on this. We need the people who have the tools to take notice. Those tools are academic and scientific skills. If, for example, there were to be a methodical study of us witnesses using the tools and methods I outlined in Solving the Communion Enigma, some progress would be made. But without some sort of awareness that there is a genuine mystery here, there is no will to act. Worse, granting entities are hostile to this research. However, if it is admitted that an intelligence might have been behind the events at Rendlesham, then perhaps curiosity will win out. Across the history of human inquiry, curiosity has almost always trumped, and it might again. As an example, look at what we are spending on CERN, and why. We want to understand, and we are willing to lavish vast resources to do this. My hope is that there will be an institutional change, basically that science and the academy will just plain get curious. Then we’ll start to make some progress.

  15. This–all of it–not just the
    This–all of it–not just the “visitor” phenomenon, but all of “Life, the Universe, and Everything”–is about spiritual growth and evolvement. The Visitor phenomenon can be a clue to us, a goad, to get us to pay attention to our need for spiritual growth; it can also be a distraction to those who become obsessed with the visitors, rather than growth.

    I recommend careful study of the Law of One books. We are indeed at a time of change. The great majority of souls now incarnated on the planet are not ready to pass on to the next level of development, and as they die to earthly incarnation, they will now have to repeat the cycle of third-density somewhere else in the Universe. The Earth is due to progress to the next level, and only a tiny proportion of its human population will advance with it. Nothing is lost, but paths diverge.

    Focus on love, forgiveness, and service-to-others. The remainder of Creation will follow its own path.

  16. This–all of it–not just the
    This–all of it–not just the “visitor” phenomenon, but all of “Life, the Universe, and Everything”–is about spiritual growth and evolvement. The Visitor phenomenon can be a clue to us, a goad, to get us to pay attention to our need for spiritual growth; it can also be a distraction to those who become obsessed with the visitors, rather than growth.

    I recommend careful study of the Law of One books. We are indeed at a time of change. The great majority of souls now incarnated on the planet are not ready to pass on to the next level of development, and as they die to earthly incarnation, they will now have to repeat the cycle of third-density somewhere else in the Universe. The Earth is due to progress to the next level, and only a tiny proportion of its human population will advance with it. Nothing is lost, but paths diverge.

    Focus on love, forgiveness, and service-to-others. The remainder of Creation will follow its own path.

  17. Thank you Whitley.
    Thank you Whitley.

  18. Thank you Whitley.
    Thank you Whitley.

  19. Interesting comments all
    Interesting comments all around for sure. Thanks again Whitley for your input. It is a bit of a wait and see at this moment. Still, I have little faith that very many people will pay attention. If they haven’t done so up until this point, I don’t think they will do so in the future. Perhaps it is just part of our nature to ignore what we can’t explain or understand and no amount of disclosure will change that save for an “in your face” type event. I do think there are aliens in the conventional sense here. That much seems clear. However, as Whitley has pointed out many times, there is something else going on which is far more subtle and even more profound than space brothers arriving from other worlds. I think we are rather dealing more with ourselves than any outside influence. There is more here than meets the eye but we will have to get past the laugh factor to make any real progress. I also think that it is safe to say that if the government is secretive about this phenomenon then it can equally be said that the Visitors are equally secretive; so it is a two way road. I usually fall back on what Anne said: “I think this has something to do with what we call death.” For me, THAT is the real secret here. That is the key. That is the true disclosure.

  20. Interesting comments all
    Interesting comments all around for sure. Thanks again Whitley for your input. It is a bit of a wait and see at this moment. Still, I have little faith that very many people will pay attention. If they haven’t done so up until this point, I don’t think they will do so in the future. Perhaps it is just part of our nature to ignore what we can’t explain or understand and no amount of disclosure will change that save for an “in your face” type event. I do think there are aliens in the conventional sense here. That much seems clear. However, as Whitley has pointed out many times, there is something else going on which is far more subtle and even more profound than space brothers arriving from other worlds. I think we are rather dealing more with ourselves than any outside influence. There is more here than meets the eye but we will have to get past the laugh factor to make any real progress. I also think that it is safe to say that if the government is secretive about this phenomenon then it can equally be said that the Visitors are equally secretive; so it is a two way road. I usually fall back on what Anne said: “I think this has something to do with what we call death.” For me, THAT is the real secret here. That is the key. That is the true disclosure.

  21. What an important journal and
    What an important journal and responses!
    There has been a significant level of “preparation”of the general population through visual media. I mostly speak here of UFO, but the levels of extrasensory/paranormal/ near death/ spiritual beings..cannot be overlooked as part of the “process” that has been going on. As no matter what experience(s) one has, all these levels of being are affected.

    The early messages: we are under attack, they are here to destroy us, the danger of invasions at the cellular levels, etc. Fear of the “unknown?” Our response: attack, war, win or lose.. playing war games or king of the hill.

    Then we have experiences which come from a an awareness of us which is non-threatening… in that some people only see objects in the sky, crop circles, etc. But nothing directly confrontational for them. Other than the confrontation that means they cannot deny “something” is out there/here / happening. The purpose? Perhaps to wake up the awareness and not threaten directly as we are so prickly that way.

    Then there are those like Whitley and so many others, who have direct contact repeatedly, which cannot be denied by the person(s) involved. These were not pleasant, and took great strength and courage for the people who experienced them. The messages seem a slow revealing of things over time. Not immediate answers, but coming to terms using lots of skills, emotion, mental acuity, group support etc. Warnings come with these experiences… at the very least, what is coming because of how we are living on our beautiful home.

    The work of Linda Moulton Howe and others, has brought the idea forward to many folks bringing in science, curiosity, medicine, reason, etc.

    The military’s inability to “control” the events, is important. Why? Perhaps because it is so we understand that there are “other” ways to respond… and fear of the unknown is the bottom of the levels. Not good or bad… just not to use that as the only way – make war then ask questions.
    I think it is a rolling revelation… not a single event… and we are being prepared to think, ask questions, read the “signs”, use the science and math being given , etc. There is much unknown… and some things becoming known.

    Are we learning from our future selves – so we do not make irreversible errors and destroy everthing? (Will that end our “future selves”?) What is/are the messages?

    I think there are a whole host of things being “taught” to us… math, science, geometry, how to get along with our neighbors and each other here, etc. Fear and control are the two things we have used over our known his-story.

    Perhaps we are learning that there are more ways to develop and become who we are meant to be… and we have all that in our history – but not in the warring parts.

    In the ways we reach deep within, relate from the place of truth in depth. Not just our minds, our extra sensory perceptions, and spirit. “Knowing truth” through experiences which cannot be “explained” but shared by how we are with each other. These develop through meditation and other gifts each is born with. Being one is part of our nature and we must be one with Nature. To move from a limited view that this is the only life… to interconnectedness and that this is only a speck in the wholeness of being.

    Still, think that the whole idea that there is a level of awareness achieved by enough people, and there will be a new level for all. Not a hot-house situation at first, but if we don’t learn, then we create conditions of a hot-house.

  22. What an important journal and
    What an important journal and responses!
    There has been a significant level of “preparation”of the general population through visual media. I mostly speak here of UFO, but the levels of extrasensory/paranormal/ near death/ spiritual beings..cannot be overlooked as part of the “process” that has been going on. As no matter what experience(s) one has, all these levels of being are affected.

    The early messages: we are under attack, they are here to destroy us, the danger of invasions at the cellular levels, etc. Fear of the “unknown?” Our response: attack, war, win or lose.. playing war games or king of the hill.

    Then we have experiences which come from a an awareness of us which is non-threatening… in that some people only see objects in the sky, crop circles, etc. But nothing directly confrontational for them. Other than the confrontation that means they cannot deny “something” is out there/here / happening. The purpose? Perhaps to wake up the awareness and not threaten directly as we are so prickly that way.

    Then there are those like Whitley and so many others, who have direct contact repeatedly, which cannot be denied by the person(s) involved. These were not pleasant, and took great strength and courage for the people who experienced them. The messages seem a slow revealing of things over time. Not immediate answers, but coming to terms using lots of skills, emotion, mental acuity, group support etc. Warnings come with these experiences… at the very least, what is coming because of how we are living on our beautiful home.

    The work of Linda Moulton Howe and others, has brought the idea forward to many folks bringing in science, curiosity, medicine, reason, etc.

    The military’s inability to “control” the events, is important. Why? Perhaps because it is so we understand that there are “other” ways to respond… and fear of the unknown is the bottom of the levels. Not good or bad… just not to use that as the only way – make war then ask questions.
    I think it is a rolling revelation… not a single event… and we are being prepared to think, ask questions, read the “signs”, use the science and math being given , etc. There is much unknown… and some things becoming known.

    Are we learning from our future selves – so we do not make irreversible errors and destroy everthing? (Will that end our “future selves”?) What is/are the messages?

    I think there are a whole host of things being “taught” to us… math, science, geometry, how to get along with our neighbors and each other here, etc. Fear and control are the two things we have used over our known his-story.

    Perhaps we are learning that there are more ways to develop and become who we are meant to be… and we have all that in our history – but not in the warring parts.

    In the ways we reach deep within, relate from the place of truth in depth. Not just our minds, our extra sensory perceptions, and spirit. “Knowing truth” through experiences which cannot be “explained” but shared by how we are with each other. These develop through meditation and other gifts each is born with. Being one is part of our nature and we must be one with Nature. To move from a limited view that this is the only life… to interconnectedness and that this is only a speck in the wholeness of being.

    Still, think that the whole idea that there is a level of awareness achieved by enough people, and there will be a new level for all. Not a hot-house situation at first, but if we don’t learn, then we create conditions of a hot-house.

  23. I continue to go through my
    I continue to go through my days as I always have, but with a very high level of awareness of things unseen. I have even become much more of an observer of my life while also being engaged in my life. I no longer wait for disclosure, whatever that may be, because I have no need for that validation on a personal level. I can’t claim that I totally know or understand reality and the high strangeness in my life and others, but I do accept it and know, deep inside, that my simple acknowledgement that life is possibly beyond knowing is pretty exciting and miraculous.
    I think that when disclosure does happen, watching the talking heads and experts switch gears will be somewhat comical and even entertaining at first for those of us who’ve had the experiences and had the brains and guts to own it and explore it before it was the thing to do… Because it will become the thing to do, and we will be ahead of the game, and we may find ourselves going from being students to being teachers in how to live in the strange new world that may present itself once the cards are laid out on the table for all to see.

    The very best that we can hope for is that everyone will finally see the interconnectedness of everyone and all things and begin to value this special place we call Earth, a planet full of life with great potential here and now, to be treasured protected and loved as we would a babe cradled in our arms.
    That’s my dream and I’m sticking to it! 🙂

  24. I continue to go through my
    I continue to go through my days as I always have, but with a very high level of awareness of things unseen. I have even become much more of an observer of my life while also being engaged in my life. I no longer wait for disclosure, whatever that may be, because I have no need for that validation on a personal level. I can’t claim that I totally know or understand reality and the high strangeness in my life and others, but I do accept it and know, deep inside, that my simple acknowledgement that life is possibly beyond knowing is pretty exciting and miraculous.
    I think that when disclosure does happen, watching the talking heads and experts switch gears will be somewhat comical and even entertaining at first for those of us who’ve had the experiences and had the brains and guts to own it and explore it before it was the thing to do… Because it will become the thing to do, and we will be ahead of the game, and we may find ourselves going from being students to being teachers in how to live in the strange new world that may present itself once the cards are laid out on the table for all to see.

    The very best that we can hope for is that everyone will finally see the interconnectedness of everyone and all things and begin to value this special place we call Earth, a planet full of life with great potential here and now, to be treasured protected and loved as we would a babe cradled in our arms.
    That’s my dream and I’m sticking to it! 🙂

  25. I think you hit upon a note
    I think you hit upon a note Cosmic Librarian, a babe cradled in our arms. “Something wonderful is about to happen.” We don’t yet know the potential. We don’t yet acknowledge the reality: “A new world, if you can take it!”

  26. I think you hit upon a note
    I think you hit upon a note Cosmic Librarian, a babe cradled in our arms. “Something wonderful is about to happen.” We don’t yet know the potential. We don’t yet acknowledge the reality: “A new world, if you can take it!”

  27. While disclosure would be
    While disclosure would be welcome if only for the sake of the men who experienced the events at Rendlesham, the opportunity for spiritual growth and enhanced understanding is very exciting.

  28. While disclosure would be
    While disclosure would be welcome if only for the sake of the men who experienced the events at Rendlesham, the opportunity for spiritual growth and enhanced understanding is very exciting.

  29. Hi Whitley,
    Don’t hate me but

    Hi Whitley,

    Don’t hate me but I only partially agree with you. In many way’s, I think it would have been better to have had disclosure in the 1940’s and better yet, before Kennedy’s assassination in 1963.

    I liken disclosure to being much like a band-aid where it is better to get it over and done with quickly, but unfortunately, the current state of society is brimming with so much tension that I think it likely (sadly) that xenophobia would grip much of the world.

    Please don’t get me wrong.. I pray that disclosure happens within my lifetime but I have lost a lot of faith in many (perhaps even most) of our human race. As a side note, I had a close encounter where a UFO flew over the hood of my car, no more than 20-25 feet in altitude. From what I seen, it was about 30 feet long and likely around 6-8 feet in height. This is what sparked my passion with the subject.

    I don’t know what’s out there, but UFO’s do exist.

  30. Hi Whitley,
    Don’t hate me but

    Hi Whitley,

    Don’t hate me but I only partially agree with you. In many way’s, I think it would have been better to have had disclosure in the 1940’s and better yet, before Kennedy’s assassination in 1963.

    I liken disclosure to being much like a band-aid where it is better to get it over and done with quickly, but unfortunately, the current state of society is brimming with so much tension that I think it likely (sadly) that xenophobia would grip much of the world.

    Please don’t get me wrong.. I pray that disclosure happens within my lifetime but I have lost a lot of faith in many (perhaps even most) of our human race. As a side note, I had a close encounter where a UFO flew over the hood of my car, no more than 20-25 feet in altitude. From what I seen, it was about 30 feet long and likely around 6-8 feet in height. This is what sparked my passion with the subject.

    I don’t know what’s out there, but UFO’s do exist.

  31. The only thing I know for
    The only thing I know for certain is how little I know.

    Like many in this community I have had experiences that draw me to ask questions and to peer into the dark, not for answers, but to alleviate obfuscation and confusion. It appears to me that by simply asking the questions around disclosure our consciousness has already made a dimensional leap and there isn’t anything really to “do” except to keep observing and allowing this observation to build my interior so I can accept more.

    The industrial complex is finite and it’s time is coming to an end. I pray Gaia can correct the imbalances we have created. I have an image of surfing a maverick wave. It’s going to require some skill, presence of mind and grounded composure. Disclosure will certainly be a sudden light switch for much of humanity. I suppose those of us on the frontier can help hold the space for those unable to.

    Thank you Whitely and Ann for providing a place to safely express myself without fear of ridicule.

  32. The only thing I know for
    The only thing I know for certain is how little I know.

    Like many in this community I have had experiences that draw me to ask questions and to peer into the dark, not for answers, but to alleviate obfuscation and confusion. It appears to me that by simply asking the questions around disclosure our consciousness has already made a dimensional leap and there isn’t anything really to “do” except to keep observing and allowing this observation to build my interior so I can accept more.

    The industrial complex is finite and it’s time is coming to an end. I pray Gaia can correct the imbalances we have created. I have an image of surfing a maverick wave. It’s going to require some skill, presence of mind and grounded composure. Disclosure will certainly be a sudden light switch for much of humanity. I suppose those of us on the frontier can help hold the space for those unable to.

    Thank you Whitely and Ann for providing a place to safely express myself without fear of ridicule.

  33. All,
    I haven’t been


    I haven’t been subscribed for months nor visited the site in that time. I came back today. This is not a coincidence. I discovered the documentary Sirius on Netflix and watched it today…also not a coincidence. Over the last week, I have started to see strong evidence of what some have referred to as manifestation, thoughts becoming things so to speak–evidence of dreams overlapping waking life–evidence that consciousness is the missing part of a mathematical equation that would take our understanding of how the universe works to a new level.

    There is no equation, e.g. E=MC2, which factors in consciousness as a variable. I believe this is the missing part of THE explanation. Consciousness must travel faster than the speed of light and once we factor the speed of consciousness into a mathematical interpretation of Spirituality we will discover that God is Math.

    The illusion of linear time is a huge problem in our thinking. Sorry if this all sounds like random rambling.

    1. Hi MN,
      I like your comment

      Hi MN,

      I like your comment and I think it has a lot of validity. What really makes me think is how the power of observation (which requires consciousness) changes the results of quantum experiments such as the “two-slit experiment”

      But perhaps, the very nature of consciousness is not quantifiable? thus it cannot be factored.


      1. James,
        We don’t know what

        We don’t know what electricity is but we can measure it, quantify it. We really don’t know what gravity is and light can behave as two different things (that we know of) yet we can quantify these things. I feel like I need to put every word I use in quotes for words seem such poor symbols with which to discuss such HIGH and HOLY concepts. Quantum entanglement is a key concept and those who have not read Dean Radin’s book on this topic should.

        I believe that such concepts as “time” and “speed” will fall away in the new visions of reality.

        Thanks for your reply to my comment.

        1. I think I see where your
          I think I see where your going – though we can measure gravity we really do not know what it is (wave function?) theoretically, if gravity was a wave, we should be able to create a counter wave which would cancel the original out – much like how noise cancelling headsets work.

          It’s interesting that you say the concept of time and speed would disappear since really, one is the function of the other. I’ve often thought about this, especially as the universe seems to be “set-up” in such as way as to discourage interstellar travel as we know it (especially considering our brief lifespans).

          I’m going to throw a crazy thought out there. They “I usually hate when people say they, but I will only because I’m too lazy to search for the names/labs” have proven that time moves at a slower rate the further from earth one is. My thought is, clocks work by counting oscillations – I wonder if time itself is really being affected or whether gravity waves cause an energizing effect upon atoms which in turn creates an increase in their vibratory rate. In short, time isn’t slowing down or speeding up, only our ability to measure is being affected. Inversely, I suppose one could argue that gravity would cause a pressing effect, which would mean time should be slower on Earth. HA. who know – my business degree didn’t cover astrophysics.

          I will check out Dean’s book – Which one would you recommend? I did a quick google and it looks like there are several to choose from.

          1. Entangled Minds by Dean Radin
            Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

          2. I’ll check it out. Thanks
            I’ll check it out. Thanks Miracle. Hope it’s on Kindle.

        2. Our insistence that events
          Our insistence that events are separated rather than connected creates the illusion of time (really, it is quite mentally violent to have this belief, with explosive events overshadowing smaller events). As connection to the source mounts, energy and flexible or symbolic information passes into free flowing, simultaneous exchange.

          All events and levels of consciousness are equally important, each is part of the tapestry of the void of oneness. Remove any event or consciousness, and it would destroy all of reality.

  34. All,
    I haven’t been


    I haven’t been subscribed for months nor visited the site in that time. I came back today. This is not a coincidence. I discovered the documentary Sirius on Netflix and watched it today…also not a coincidence. Over the last week, I have started to see strong evidence of what some have referred to as manifestation, thoughts becoming things so to speak–evidence of dreams overlapping waking life–evidence that consciousness is the missing part of a mathematical equation that would take our understanding of how the universe works to a new level.

    There is no equation, e.g. E=MC2, which factors in consciousness as a variable. I believe this is the missing part of THE explanation. Consciousness must travel faster than the speed of light and once we factor the speed of consciousness into a mathematical interpretation of Spirituality we will discover that God is Math.

    The illusion of linear time is a huge problem in our thinking. Sorry if this all sounds like random rambling.

    1. Hi MN,
      I like your comment

      Hi MN,

      I like your comment and I think it has a lot of validity. What really makes me think is how the power of observation (which requires consciousness) changes the results of quantum experiments such as the “two-slit experiment”

      But perhaps, the very nature of consciousness is not quantifiable? thus it cannot be factored.


      1. James,
        We don’t know what

        We don’t know what electricity is but we can measure it, quantify it. We really don’t know what gravity is and light can behave as two different things (that we know of) yet we can quantify these things. I feel like I need to put every word I use in quotes for words seem such poor symbols with which to discuss such HIGH and HOLY concepts. Quantum entanglement is a key concept and those who have not read Dean Radin’s book on this topic should.

        I believe that such concepts as “time” and “speed” will fall away in the new visions of reality.

        Thanks for your reply to my comment.

        1. I think I see where your
          I think I see where your going – though we can measure gravity we really do not know what it is (wave function?) theoretically, if gravity was a wave, we should be able to create a counter wave which would cancel the original out – much like how noise cancelling headsets work.

          It’s interesting that you say the concept of time and speed would disappear since really, one is the function of the other. I’ve often thought about this, especially as the universe seems to be “set-up” in such as way as to discourage interstellar travel as we know it (especially considering our brief lifespans).

          I’m going to throw a crazy thought out there. They “I usually hate when people say they, but I will only because I’m too lazy to search for the names/labs” have proven that time moves at a slower rate the further from earth one is. My thought is, clocks work by counting oscillations – I wonder if time itself is really being affected or whether gravity waves cause an energizing effect upon atoms which in turn creates an increase in their vibratory rate. In short, time isn’t slowing down or speeding up, only our ability to measure is being affected. Inversely, I suppose one could argue that gravity would cause a pressing effect, which would mean time should be slower on Earth. HA. who know – my business degree didn’t cover astrophysics.

          I will check out Dean’s book – Which one would you recommend? I did a quick google and it looks like there are several to choose from.

          1. Entangled Minds by Dean Radin
            Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

          2. I’ll check it out. Thanks
            I’ll check it out. Thanks Miracle. Hope it’s on Kindle.

        2. Our insistence that events
          Our insistence that events are separated rather than connected creates the illusion of time (really, it is quite mentally violent to have this belief, with explosive events overshadowing smaller events). As connection to the source mounts, energy and flexible or symbolic information passes into free flowing, simultaneous exchange.

          All events and levels of consciousness are equally important, each is part of the tapestry of the void of oneness. Remove any event or consciousness, and it would destroy all of reality.

  35. Whitley,
    Thank you for this

    Thank you for this website and thank you for what you do. These things that happen are all so over my head that I don’t know if I can make a meaningful contribution. But what I know for sure is that I want all of humanity to thrive. And I hope that I will someday be able to make a meaningful contribution to humanity. Thank you again!

  36. Whitley,
    Thank you for this

    Thank you for this website and thank you for what you do. These things that happen are all so over my head that I don’t know if I can make a meaningful contribution. But what I know for sure is that I want all of humanity to thrive. And I hope that I will someday be able to make a meaningful contribution to humanity. Thank you again!

  37. I agree that we should
    I agree that we should maintain our independence in general, but clearly we need help with our environmental problems. I would like to see the Earth become a member of a Federation of local planets, if such a thing exists. I am for intervention by the visitors in helping with our greenhouse gas problems. I think we are beyond addressing the problem by ourselves, and soon it may be too late. We need informed outside assistance.

    All beings are related. Surely visitors must have realized this already. They may recognize our importance more than we do.

    I believe in karma, what one does to others affects the entire interconnected structure of reality. We have all evolved through reincarnation, we have all devoured each other and been devoured by each other. The cycle continues, and it affects our behaviour on a long term basis. This might be a good time to consider becoming a vegetarian or vegan.

    1. I couldn’t agree with Mace
      I couldn’t agree with Mace more! BTW, I wonder why some books take such a long time to be released?

      1. EE, sometimes books have to
        EE, sometimes books have to sit while the unconscious mind prepares to finish it. It’s the way the mind nurtures a book to completion.

  38. I agree that we should
    I agree that we should maintain our independence in general, but clearly we need help with our environmental problems. I would like to see the Earth become a member of a Federation of local planets, if such a thing exists. I am for intervention by the visitors in helping with our greenhouse gas problems. I think we are beyond addressing the problem by ourselves, and soon it may be too late. We need informed outside assistance.

    All beings are related. Surely visitors must have realized this already. They may recognize our importance more than we do.

    I believe in karma, what one does to others affects the entire interconnected structure of reality. We have all evolved through reincarnation, we have all devoured each other and been devoured by each other. The cycle continues, and it affects our behaviour on a long term basis. This might be a good time to consider becoming a vegetarian or vegan.

    1. I couldn’t agree with Mace
      I couldn’t agree with Mace more! BTW, I wonder why some books take such a long time to be released?

      1. EE, sometimes books have to
        EE, sometimes books have to sit while the unconscious mind prepares to finish it. It’s the way the mind nurtures a book to completion.

  39. What we know as reality is
    What we know as reality is just the repeatable, predictable core at the center of shared experience. The nature of our interactions with the fringe, as we know from Jeremy and Whitley’s work, rarely brings us new knowledge and understanding directly. More often what it does, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly over the course of a lifetime, is shatter our preconceived notions and tear down the calcified belief systems that we have encased ourselves in. That seems to be the function and it presents itself tailored to whatever begins the shedding process for each individual. This broadens our capacity for understanding even if it ultimately leaves us harboring more questions and on far less sure footing than when we convinced ourselves we had all the answers.

    That other sentiences exist, in physical and incorporeal forms at scales larger and smaller than ourselves, is only tugging a small thread in the larger disclosure that needs to happen within each of us. We need to cast off the materialist model and turn our perspectives inside-out: to understand that the material world is a by-product of consciousness and not the other way around. Our capacity for creative expression in a limitless universe via the instantiation of future probabilities will be tremendously broadened when we supercede the material restrictions and physical laws we have precautiously imposed on ourselves in fear of our own destructive natures.

    Our reality is so heavily laden with symbology and metaphor, and the nature of our language truly shapes our perspective. We don’t live in a meaningless universe, on the contrary, we live in a universe bursting with meaning, constructed from intricate layers upon layers of meaning. A distant tree gets visually smaller as does its capacity to affect your present reality. A large ship is slow to turn as is a large idea.

    Every “atom”, every field, every sun, every thought, every symbol, is a bifurcation of the one consciousness and is equally “real” and substantial in the context of our collaborative consciousness. Time and space are only attributes we ascribe to physicality like any other and thought easily can transcend and conjoin two disparate places and times because thought is the primary mover and matter is its creation. Creation myths like the Popol Vuh exist because the planetary battles that we ascribed to Gods were once our own. The supposedly immutable laws of our universe are held in place by a collaborative conscious agreement that we have imposed on ourselves, possibly because mankind’s ability to manifest thought forms proved too dangerous to our stability in the distant past.

    We are world-builders. In our dreams we make worlds nightly with only the restriction of our daily expectations, and even the smallest mouse can make worlds with ease. Gravity persists in our dreams and even in times of lucidity it is so ingrained it is hard to shed. The veil of a dream’s fiction seems so easily dismissed upon awakening, but at the time its reality was all you knew. So too are we convinced of this reality, despite evidences to the contrary.

    We can begin disclosure with the acceptance of “the other” while continuing to integrate and eventually transcend a scientific model for near death experience, OBE, death, reincarnation, telepathy, aliens, ghosts, consciousness, and all the complexity that we experience but can’t find a place for in the destructive materialist ‘consciousness is a random byproduct of neuronal complexity’ model. It’s all connected as you well know.

    When we heal the damage of our past and release ourselves from fear’s bondage we will return to infinite probabilities again and create in ways we never could before the educational lessons of limitation. Our collective maturation from unbridled ego-driven adolescence to a more mediated and understanding adulthood is fractally represented in our own aging processes – we act from an individuated self, we gain broader perspective of consequence, we process our past ignorance with regret, and eventually like a loving parent watching a child’s mistakes with full understanding we mend our self-judgments with love and forgiveness. Eventually we start losing the need to impose ourselves onto the world and we disassociate from individuality and return to the infinite void, to one day begin again in ignorance and wonder.

  40. What we know as reality is
    What we know as reality is just the repeatable, predictable core at the center of shared experience. The nature of our interactions with the fringe, as we know from Jeremy and Whitley’s work, rarely brings us new knowledge and understanding directly. More often what it does, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly over the course of a lifetime, is shatter our preconceived notions and tear down the calcified belief systems that we have encased ourselves in. That seems to be the function and it presents itself tailored to whatever begins the shedding process for each individual. This broadens our capacity for understanding even if it ultimately leaves us harboring more questions and on far less sure footing than when we convinced ourselves we had all the answers.

    That other sentiences exist, in physical and incorporeal forms at scales larger and smaller than ourselves, is only tugging a small thread in the larger disclosure that needs to happen within each of us. We need to cast off the materialist model and turn our perspectives inside-out: to understand that the material world is a by-product of consciousness and not the other way around. Our capacity for creative expression in a limitless universe via the instantiation of future probabilities will be tremendously broadened when we supercede the material restrictions and physical laws we have precautiously imposed on ourselves in fear of our own destructive natures.

    Our reality is so heavily laden with symbology and metaphor, and the nature of our language truly shapes our perspective. We don’t live in a meaningless universe, on the contrary, we live in a universe bursting with meaning, constructed from intricate layers upon layers of meaning. A distant tree gets visually smaller as does its capacity to affect your present reality. A large ship is slow to turn as is a large idea.

    Every “atom”, every field, every sun, every thought, every symbol, is a bifurcation of the one consciousness and is equally “real” and substantial in the context of our collaborative consciousness. Time and space are only attributes we ascribe to physicality like any other and thought easily can transcend and conjoin two disparate places and times because thought is the primary mover and matter is its creation. Creation myths like the Popol Vuh exist because the planetary battles that we ascribed to Gods were once our own. The supposedly immutable laws of our universe are held in place by a collaborative conscious agreement that we have imposed on ourselves, possibly because mankind’s ability to manifest thought forms proved too dangerous to our stability in the distant past.

    We are world-builders. In our dreams we make worlds nightly with only the restriction of our daily expectations, and even the smallest mouse can make worlds with ease. Gravity persists in our dreams and even in times of lucidity it is so ingrained it is hard to shed. The veil of a dream’s fiction seems so easily dismissed upon awakening, but at the time its reality was all you knew. So too are we convinced of this reality, despite evidences to the contrary.

    We can begin disclosure with the acceptance of “the other” while continuing to integrate and eventually transcend a scientific model for near death experience, OBE, death, reincarnation, telepathy, aliens, ghosts, consciousness, and all the complexity that we experience but can’t find a place for in the destructive materialist ‘consciousness is a random byproduct of neuronal complexity’ model. It’s all connected as you well know.

    When we heal the damage of our past and release ourselves from fear’s bondage we will return to infinite probabilities again and create in ways we never could before the educational lessons of limitation. Our collective maturation from unbridled ego-driven adolescence to a more mediated and understanding adulthood is fractally represented in our own aging processes – we act from an individuated self, we gain broader perspective of consequence, we process our past ignorance with regret, and eventually like a loving parent watching a child’s mistakes with full understanding we mend our self-judgments with love and forgiveness. Eventually we start losing the need to impose ourselves onto the world and we disassociate from individuality and return to the infinite void, to one day begin again in ignorance and wonder.

    1. this is a must watch on
      this is a must watch on youtube! wow.

    1. this is a must watch on
      this is a must watch on youtube! wow.

  41. One subscriber reported that
    One subscriber reported that their post was deleted from this comments section. I am the only person who can do those deletions, and I didn’t do it. So if yours is mysteriously deleted, let me know right away at whitley@strieber.com. It was probably a glitch, not a hack, but if it recurs, we’ll want to check it out.

  42. One subscriber reported that
    One subscriber reported that their post was deleted from this comments section. I am the only person who can do those deletions, and I didn’t do it. So if yours is mysteriously deleted, let me know right away at whitley@strieber.com. It was probably a glitch, not a hack, but if it recurs, we’ll want to check it out.

  43. 1. Intelligent plasmas
    1. Intelligent plasmas interacting with soldiers on army bases is going to sound much less threatening to the general public than aliens in spaceships abducting people, mutilating farm animals and playing chicken with military jets.

    2. What will happen to human consciousness when it is suddenly forced to acknowledge the fact that there is another intelligence in the universe? What happens when seven billion people ask the question: what are these beings? And finally, what happens when a fraction of those people take things a step further and ask themselves: what am I?

  44. 1. Intelligent plasmas
    1. Intelligent plasmas interacting with soldiers on army bases is going to sound much less threatening to the general public than aliens in spaceships abducting people, mutilating farm animals and playing chicken with military jets.

    2. What will happen to human consciousness when it is suddenly forced to acknowledge the fact that there is another intelligence in the universe? What happens when seven billion people ask the question: what are these beings? And finally, what happens when a fraction of those people take things a step further and ask themselves: what am I?

  45. Whitley, there are so many
    Whitley, there are so many well thought out and wonderful posts. So, rather then trying to add too or overthink DISCLOSURE, I have decided to post a few quotes from the movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.”


    …..Now, please; tell me why have you come to our planet.

    Klaatu: *Your* planet.
    Regina Jackson: Yes; this is our planet.
    Klaatu: (No), it is not…..

    Barnhardt: One thing, Mr. Klaatu: suppose this group should reject your proposals. What is the alternative?
    Klaatu: I’m afraid there is no alternative. In such a case, the planet Earth would have to be… eliminated
    Barnhardt: Such power exists?
    Klaatu: I assure you, such power exists.

    Klaatu: [to Helen] Your professor is right. At the precipice we change.

    Professor Barnhardt: There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem.
    Klaatu: Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change.
    Professor Barnhardt: Then help us change.
    Klaatu: I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other.
    Professor Barnhardt: But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually.
    Klaatu: Most of them don’t make it.
    Professor Barnhardt: Yours did. How?
    Klaatu: Our sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive.
    Professor Barnhardt: So it was only when your world was threated with destruction that you became what you are now.
    Klaatu: Yes.
    Professor Barnhardt: Well that’s where we are. You say we’re on the brink of destruction and you’re right. But it’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don’t take it from us, we are close to an answer.

    Regina Jackson: What is your purpose in coming here?
    Klaatu: There is a gathering of world leaders not far from here; I will explain my purpose to them.
    Regina Jackson: I’m afraid thats not possible. Perhaps you should explain yourself to me instead.
    Klaatu: Do you speak for the entire human race?
    Regina Jackson: I speak for the President of the United States. Now, please; tell me why have you come to our planet.
    Klaatu: *Your* planet.
    Regina Jackson: Yes; this is our planet.
    Klaatu: No, it is not.

    [Seated at a McDonald’s, Klaatu begins speaking to Mr. Wu in Mandarin]

    Klaatu: You’ve been out of contact for a long time.
    Mr. Wu: I had a dangerous assignment. This is hostile territory.
    Klaatu: I’ve noticed. I was hoping I could reason with them.
    Mr. Wu: I’m afraid they are not a reasonable race. I’ve been living amongst them for seventy years now. I know them well.
    Klaatu: And?

    Mr. Wu: Any attempt to intercede with them would be futile. They are destructive, and they won’t change.

    Klaatu: Is that your official report?
    Mr. Wu: The tragedy is, they know what’s going to become of them.
    [Both Klaatu and Wu turn to look at Helen, Jacob and Wu’s grandson who are seated at another table]

    Mr. Wu: They sense it. But they can’t seem to do anything about it.
    [They switching to speaking English]
    Mr. Wu: I’m staying.
    Klaatu: You can’t stay here.
    Mr. Wu: I can and I will.
    Klaatu: If you stay, you’ll die.
    Mr. Wu: I know. This is my home now.

    Klaatu: You yourself called them a destructive race.

    Mr. Wu: That’s true. But still, there is another side. You see, I… I love them. It is a very strange thing. I… I… I can’t find a way to explain it to you. For many years I cursed my luck for being sent here. Human life is difficult. But as this life is coming to an end… I consider myself lucky… to have lived it.

  46. Whitley, there are so many
    Whitley, there are so many well thought out and wonderful posts. So, rather then trying to add too or overthink DISCLOSURE, I have decided to post a few quotes from the movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.”


    …..Now, please; tell me why have you come to our planet.

    Klaatu: *Your* planet.
    Regina Jackson: Yes; this is our planet.
    Klaatu: (No), it is not…..

    Barnhardt: One thing, Mr. Klaatu: suppose this group should reject your proposals. What is the alternative?
    Klaatu: I’m afraid there is no alternative. In such a case, the planet Earth would have to be… eliminated
    Barnhardt: Such power exists?
    Klaatu: I assure you, such power exists.

    Klaatu: [to Helen] Your professor is right. At the precipice we change.

    Professor Barnhardt: There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem.
    Klaatu: Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change.
    Professor Barnhardt: Then help us change.
    Klaatu: I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other.
    Professor Barnhardt: But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually.
    Klaatu: Most of them don’t make it.
    Professor Barnhardt: Yours did. How?
    Klaatu: Our sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive.
    Professor Barnhardt: So it was only when your world was threated with destruction that you became what you are now.
    Klaatu: Yes.
    Professor Barnhardt: Well that’s where we are. You say we’re on the brink of destruction and you’re right. But it’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don’t take it from us, we are close to an answer.

    Regina Jackson: What is your purpose in coming here?
    Klaatu: There is a gathering of world leaders not far from here; I will explain my purpose to them.
    Regina Jackson: I’m afraid thats not possible. Perhaps you should explain yourself to me instead.
    Klaatu: Do you speak for the entire human race?
    Regina Jackson: I speak for the President of the United States. Now, please; tell me why have you come to our planet.
    Klaatu: *Your* planet.
    Regina Jackson: Yes; this is our planet.
    Klaatu: No, it is not.

    [Seated at a McDonald’s, Klaatu begins speaking to Mr. Wu in Mandarin]

    Klaatu: You’ve been out of contact for a long time.
    Mr. Wu: I had a dangerous assignment. This is hostile territory.
    Klaatu: I’ve noticed. I was hoping I could reason with them.
    Mr. Wu: I’m afraid they are not a reasonable race. I’ve been living amongst them for seventy years now. I know them well.
    Klaatu: And?

    Mr. Wu: Any attempt to intercede with them would be futile. They are destructive, and they won’t change.

    Klaatu: Is that your official report?
    Mr. Wu: The tragedy is, they know what’s going to become of them.
    [Both Klaatu and Wu turn to look at Helen, Jacob and Wu’s grandson who are seated at another table]

    Mr. Wu: They sense it. But they can’t seem to do anything about it.
    [They switching to speaking English]
    Mr. Wu: I’m staying.
    Klaatu: You can’t stay here.
    Mr. Wu: I can and I will.
    Klaatu: If you stay, you’ll die.
    Mr. Wu: I know. This is my home now.

    Klaatu: You yourself called them a destructive race.

    Mr. Wu: That’s true. But still, there is another side. You see, I… I love them. It is a very strange thing. I… I… I can’t find a way to explain it to you. For many years I cursed my luck for being sent here. Human life is difficult. But as this life is coming to an end… I consider myself lucky… to have lived it.

  47. Thank you Whitley and Anne
    Thank you Whitley and Anne for such insightful reporting. The experience of contact with others (humans) that are culturally quite different from ourselves leads to misunderstandings, wrong assumptions about motive, intent, even what was said are enormous. Language is a trap of predefined ideas that we use as a common model of reality. Each language has different cultural definitions and therefore different models of reality. Compound that with, interdimential entities, extraterrestrial beings, time travelers, artificially intelligent machines, and you begin to understand how our frame of reference is woefully inadequate to begin to understand what is going on around us. Hell I don’t even have a clue how my dogs relate to the world or what they can see or smell that I can’t, and what those things mean to them. I have had interactions with strange beings since I was at least six or seven years old and I am now retired. I still have no idea what is going on. I can say however that the journey has been an E ticket ride with more thrills, more drama and immensely new understandings of what is out there. Blessings to all who seek the truth.

  48. Thank you Whitley and Anne
    Thank you Whitley and Anne for such insightful reporting. The experience of contact with others (humans) that are culturally quite different from ourselves leads to misunderstandings, wrong assumptions about motive, intent, even what was said are enormous. Language is a trap of predefined ideas that we use as a common model of reality. Each language has different cultural definitions and therefore different models of reality. Compound that with, interdimential entities, extraterrestrial beings, time travelers, artificially intelligent machines, and you begin to understand how our frame of reference is woefully inadequate to begin to understand what is going on around us. Hell I don’t even have a clue how my dogs relate to the world or what they can see or smell that I can’t, and what those things mean to them. I have had interactions with strange beings since I was at least six or seven years old and I am now retired. I still have no idea what is going on. I can say however that the journey has been an E ticket ride with more thrills, more drama and immensely new understandings of what is out there. Blessings to all who seek the truth.

  49. Whitley, do you really
    Whitley, do you really believe disclosure will happen without an attempt to spin it somehow? I find that impossible to believe, and because of that, think that disclosure may do more harm than good.

  50. Whitley, do you really
    Whitley, do you really believe disclosure will happen without an attempt to spin it somehow? I find that impossible to believe, and because of that, think that disclosure may do more harm than good.

  51. The void lies at intersection
    The void lies at intersection of light and dark, at the interface of the two. The silver or “grey” area, the place of absolute connection. Expanding one’s connection to both the light and darkness is the way to increase one’s overall consciousness while sustaining equilibrium. Forces such as the Yin and Yang require balance, not over emphasis upon one or the other.

    Too much Light creates destruction.

    Too much Darkness creates stagnation.

    Balance is very much the key. Bringing balance to the energy forces of light and darkness will enable psychic abilities as one begins to connect to the shining void. Coincidences will become more frequent as well.

    Exploring the light and darkness concurrently is the best approach. The void is the mirror that reflects reality in relationship with everything

    Of course, in our society the light is favoured over the darkness. This means that entropy and separation are favoured over connection and stillness. Cereal grains and refined sugars are mainly to blame, they increase the complexity and separation of the mind.

  52. The void lies at intersection
    The void lies at intersection of light and dark, at the interface of the two. The silver or “grey” area, the place of absolute connection. Expanding one’s connection to both the light and darkness is the way to increase one’s overall consciousness while sustaining equilibrium. Forces such as the Yin and Yang require balance, not over emphasis upon one or the other.

    Too much Light creates destruction.

    Too much Darkness creates stagnation.

    Balance is very much the key. Bringing balance to the energy forces of light and darkness will enable psychic abilities as one begins to connect to the shining void. Coincidences will become more frequent as well.

    Exploring the light and darkness concurrently is the best approach. The void is the mirror that reflects reality in relationship with everything

    Of course, in our society the light is favoured over the darkness. This means that entropy and separation are favoured over connection and stillness. Cereal grains and refined sugars are mainly to blame, they increase the complexity and separation of the mind.

  53. Hello all,
    I don’t speak up

    Hello all,
    I don’t speak up here much because I’m not an experiencer. My my feeling is that this forum is primarily for those of you who are experiencers, and therefore know what you’re talking about, at least in terms of contact. However, Mr Strieber actively solicited responses to his recent journal entry concerning disclosure, and so, having been invited, and out of respect for him, and all of you, I will chime in with what I hope is a considered response.
    On the surface, disclosure is ambiguous; disclosure by whom, disclosure for whom, and what, precisely, or how much, gets disclosed? If, for the sake of argument, we grant the existence of a breakaway civilization, then their disclosure must have come long ago, and it must be ongoing. They continue to live in the eternal moment of their disclosure. On this count, we can only suppose.
    But for those of you who are experiencers, disclosure is a moot point. You’ve had disclosure. Certainly, encounter is disclosure, on a personal, individual level. The image of the Visitors landing on the White House lawn is often evoked. That is abstract. The Visitors landing on my front lawn, or walking out of my bedroom paneling in the cricket-silenced hollow of the night, is decidedly concrete. So, I agree with the general sentiment here; contact is a personal event, not a general, social(media) event. The Bible says something about marriage and the end times. I am by no means a biblical scholar, nor an orthodox Christian. But the idea of marrying and being given in marriage suggests that, even in the midst of great change, the surface concerns of life will go on as usual. That is, most people will not even recognize, or be able to acknowledge, what has changed with disclosure.
    Moreover, and more interestingly, the doctrine of plausible deniability only works because the public has been so well trained that it quite readily believes that the government is untrustworthy. In other words, we have been so well trained to believe that our government lies, that, should it come forward and tell the truth, any truth, we will automatically doubt the admission. As of this date, 23 July, 2015, the government, or some spokesperson speaking on behalf of the government, can say the phenomena is real, and nothing will appreciably change because the public will simply assume the government is lying. Those who do not want to believe will not believe. The nature of the resistance to this material can be seen quite easily if one searches for Whitley Strieber on YouTube and then reviews the comments beneath the videos on offer. Probably most of us have done this. The arguments against Mr Strieber’s testimonials are not at all logical. They are purely emotional. If our lives, and the Visitor presence within them, have something to do with the world of the dead, then this arguably inexplicable resistance may have something to do with the agreements we make (with the Visitors, perhaps?) before we are born here on Earth.
    Jeremy Veini formulates that, and I paraphrase, if you pay attention to the phenomena, the phenomena pays attention to you. With all due respect, I beg to differ. I lead a most banal existence in spite of paying a great deal of attention to the phenomena. I live alone, on an acre of land, in a rural neighborhood, surrounded by forest. I am an easy target. Perhaps I am simply one of those who do not remember contact. Nevertheless, I am here. I subscribe. I believe. I believe the phenomenon is real. What is behind it, well, that’s the great mystery, isn’t it? All I can say is I feel that I was born believing. If this phenomena does indeed have something to do with the dead, then I also wonder if our lives have something to do with agreements we may have made prior to our births here on Earth. Perhaps I wanted to know if I would come to belief without the interference of the phenomena. The thrust of Mr Strieber’s work is, after all, it seems to me, preparation for contact. Perhaps, in the future, not all of us will need to be abducted in the middle of the night, and summarily subjected to biological trespasses in order to enter into communion.
    As for the practical question, and our mode of existence, I suspect in order for us to support the Earth, it will be good if we can come to a place of existence where our stomachs no longer matter. How do we raise energy without eating? That sounds crazy, I know. But it seems to me that we must come to an understanding of energy. And we must get off money.
    Unknown Country is the gathering together of, shall I say, approaches, to a school of thought about energy. Gurdjieff summarizes sleep, and the need to awaken. Ouspensky stresses self-remembering as a means to resist identification. Strieber, it seems to me, works with fear as his primary method, that is, the struggle against fear as a means to wakefulness and attention. But all of these things are about harnessing energy. And clearly, conscious attention placed upon bodily physical sensation has something to do with our relationship to this energy.
    I do not need disclosure. You, your witness, your comments, your stories – remember when Mrs Strieber conducted the contactee interviews? – affirm for me the reality of the phenomena in your lives. To be perfectly candid with you all, given its potentially dangerous nature, I am not sure I want communion in my life. But, if preparation is possible for an event of such high strangeness, I feel sure I am learning it here, from Mr Strieber, and from all of you. So, as a non-experiencer, and a subscriber, I thank all of you for your candor and honesty, for your courage and your witness.
    Kind regards,

  54. Hello all,
    I don’t speak up

    Hello all,
    I don’t speak up here much because I’m not an experiencer. My my feeling is that this forum is primarily for those of you who are experiencers, and therefore know what you’re talking about, at least in terms of contact. However, Mr Strieber actively solicited responses to his recent journal entry concerning disclosure, and so, having been invited, and out of respect for him, and all of you, I will chime in with what I hope is a considered response.
    On the surface, disclosure is ambiguous; disclosure by whom, disclosure for whom, and what, precisely, or how much, gets disclosed? If, for the sake of argument, we grant the existence of a breakaway civilization, then their disclosure must have come long ago, and it must be ongoing. They continue to live in the eternal moment of their disclosure. On this count, we can only suppose.
    But for those of you who are experiencers, disclosure is a moot point. You’ve had disclosure. Certainly, encounter is disclosure, on a personal, individual level. The image of the Visitors landing on the White House lawn is often evoked. That is abstract. The Visitors landing on my front lawn, or walking out of my bedroom paneling in the cricket-silenced hollow of the night, is decidedly concrete. So, I agree with the general sentiment here; contact is a personal event, not a general, social(media) event. The Bible says something about marriage and the end times. I am by no means a biblical scholar, nor an orthodox Christian. But the idea of marrying and being given in marriage suggests that, even in the midst of great change, the surface concerns of life will go on as usual. That is, most people will not even recognize, or be able to acknowledge, what has changed with disclosure.
    Moreover, and more interestingly, the doctrine of plausible deniability only works because the public has been so well trained that it quite readily believes that the government is untrustworthy. In other words, we have been so well trained to believe that our government lies, that, should it come forward and tell the truth, any truth, we will automatically doubt the admission. As of this date, 23 July, 2015, the government, or some spokesperson speaking on behalf of the government, can say the phenomena is real, and nothing will appreciably change because the public will simply assume the government is lying. Those who do not want to believe will not believe. The nature of the resistance to this material can be seen quite easily if one searches for Whitley Strieber on YouTube and then reviews the comments beneath the videos on offer. Probably most of us have done this. The arguments against Mr Strieber’s testimonials are not at all logical. They are purely emotional. If our lives, and the Visitor presence within them, have something to do with the world of the dead, then this arguably inexplicable resistance may have something to do with the agreements we make (with the Visitors, perhaps?) before we are born here on Earth.
    Jeremy Veini formulates that, and I paraphrase, if you pay attention to the phenomena, the phenomena pays attention to you. With all due respect, I beg to differ. I lead a most banal existence in spite of paying a great deal of attention to the phenomena. I live alone, on an acre of land, in a rural neighborhood, surrounded by forest. I am an easy target. Perhaps I am simply one of those who do not remember contact. Nevertheless, I am here. I subscribe. I believe. I believe the phenomenon is real. What is behind it, well, that’s the great mystery, isn’t it? All I can say is I feel that I was born believing. If this phenomena does indeed have something to do with the dead, then I also wonder if our lives have something to do with agreements we may have made prior to our births here on Earth. Perhaps I wanted to know if I would come to belief without the interference of the phenomena. The thrust of Mr Strieber’s work is, after all, it seems to me, preparation for contact. Perhaps, in the future, not all of us will need to be abducted in the middle of the night, and summarily subjected to biological trespasses in order to enter into communion.
    As for the practical question, and our mode of existence, I suspect in order for us to support the Earth, it will be good if we can come to a place of existence where our stomachs no longer matter. How do we raise energy without eating? That sounds crazy, I know. But it seems to me that we must come to an understanding of energy. And we must get off money.
    Unknown Country is the gathering together of, shall I say, approaches, to a school of thought about energy. Gurdjieff summarizes sleep, and the need to awaken. Ouspensky stresses self-remembering as a means to resist identification. Strieber, it seems to me, works with fear as his primary method, that is, the struggle against fear as a means to wakefulness and attention. But all of these things are about harnessing energy. And clearly, conscious attention placed upon bodily physical sensation has something to do with our relationship to this energy.
    I do not need disclosure. You, your witness, your comments, your stories – remember when Mrs Strieber conducted the contactee interviews? – affirm for me the reality of the phenomena in your lives. To be perfectly candid with you all, given its potentially dangerous nature, I am not sure I want communion in my life. But, if preparation is possible for an event of such high strangeness, I feel sure I am learning it here, from Mr Strieber, and from all of you. So, as a non-experiencer, and a subscriber, I thank all of you for your candor and honesty, for your courage and your witness.
    Kind regards,

  55. Here is what I believe, for
    Here is what I believe, for what it is worth.

    Belief affects reality, but there is reality beyond belief. Closing your eyes and plugging your ears won’t change it, no mater how much you shout lalalalala.

    Here is a simplistic stereotype. People, science and religion can handle more than politicians, scientists, and the religious. That may change, but we now live with burdensome controls on acceptable behavior in these areas.

    It comes down to what many of you write, dealing with consciousness and existence beyond space and time. Space and time exist and are relative, but there is more.

    Realizing this is unsettling, but not beyond religion and science fiction. Experiencing it shakes humanity and our beliefs about our place on this planet to the core.

    We have many beliefs and fears to overcome. Money is so entrenched that we believe it is reality. To me, money represents the fear of not getting something in return for my contributions. It is a fear that is manipulated by some powerful individuals and collectives, whether they realize it or not. I do not know how to get humanity past this belief in money.

    We are corporeal and need material, yet existence limited by materialism is half a life, at best.

    I don’t know what we will find as we shed blinders and encounter others, but I am sure that the risks and rewards are outta sight.

    Our future seems to hold, as Aleister Crowley put it, “The method of science, the goal of religion”.

  56. Here is what I believe, for
    Here is what I believe, for what it is worth.

    Belief affects reality, but there is reality beyond belief. Closing your eyes and plugging your ears won’t change it, no mater how much you shout lalalalala.

    Here is a simplistic stereotype. People, science and religion can handle more than politicians, scientists, and the religious. That may change, but we now live with burdensome controls on acceptable behavior in these areas.

    It comes down to what many of you write, dealing with consciousness and existence beyond space and time. Space and time exist and are relative, but there is more.

    Realizing this is unsettling, but not beyond religion and science fiction. Experiencing it shakes humanity and our beliefs about our place on this planet to the core.

    We have many beliefs and fears to overcome. Money is so entrenched that we believe it is reality. To me, money represents the fear of not getting something in return for my contributions. It is a fear that is manipulated by some powerful individuals and collectives, whether they realize it or not. I do not know how to get humanity past this belief in money.

    We are corporeal and need material, yet existence limited by materialism is half a life, at best.

    I don’t know what we will find as we shed blinders and encounter others, but I am sure that the risks and rewards are outta sight.

    Our future seems to hold, as Aleister Crowley put it, “The method of science, the goal of religion”.

  57. So many words to describe
    So many words to describe hoped for actions/reactions. I’m sure there will be disclosure as Whitley hopes for. I’m not sure if anyone will notice.

  58. So many words to describe
    So many words to describe hoped for actions/reactions. I’m sure there will be disclosure as Whitley hopes for. I’m not sure if anyone will notice.

  59. I find it interesting that
    I find it interesting that these leaks are coming out now when the whole world is going through so many changes. Sure, in the past there have been climate extremes and socioeconomic upheavals. And maybe there’s a certain bias that this particular iteration of such events is unique or more poignant because it’s happening in my own time rather than the past. But it seems like we are at a serious tipping point, a point of change where just the slightest nudge could push us in one direction or the other, for better or for worse.

    And at such a time of change when we are being shaken and old paradigms start crumbling, perhaps we become more open, or more vulnerable, to new views, new realities, new ways of existing in this world. These other beings and phenomena that are now being revealed, could be a very significant part of this process of change. But whether we collectively awaken or fall into deeper, perhaps permanent slumber, stands to be seen. But I think there’s far more good and potential for humanity than there is hate and self destructiveness.

    I’ll be waiting impatiently to see what may be revealed. Thanks Whitley, Anne, and everyone for shining a light in the dark.

  60. I find it interesting that
    I find it interesting that these leaks are coming out now when the whole world is going through so many changes. Sure, in the past there have been climate extremes and socioeconomic upheavals. And maybe there’s a certain bias that this particular iteration of such events is unique or more poignant because it’s happening in my own time rather than the past. But it seems like we are at a serious tipping point, a point of change where just the slightest nudge could push us in one direction or the other, for better or for worse.

    And at such a time of change when we are being shaken and old paradigms start crumbling, perhaps we become more open, or more vulnerable, to new views, new realities, new ways of existing in this world. These other beings and phenomena that are now being revealed, could be a very significant part of this process of change. But whether we collectively awaken or fall into deeper, perhaps permanent slumber, stands to be seen. But I think there’s far more good and potential for humanity than there is hate and self destructiveness.

    I’ll be waiting impatiently to see what may be revealed. Thanks Whitley, Anne, and everyone for shining a light in the dark.

  61. Thank you! Whitley and Anne

    Thank you! Whitley and Anne
    everyone else too.
    You were ahead of my week, How did you do that?

  62. Thank you! Whitley and Anne

    Thank you! Whitley and Anne
    everyone else too.
    You were ahead of my week, How did you do that?

  63. Whitley, I admire your dogged
    Whitley, I admire your dogged determination to wake up the scientific community to the possibility of “altered” states and materials. I have a few thoughts:

    1) I find it interesting that this idea of disclosure, and the need for it, is traced to Western societies where the military industrial complex runs the show, with the maintenance of power as their core operating objective. Those countries that have little military involvement in world activities have no need for disclosure as it is already a foregone conclusion there that “other” beings exist, whether from the earth, sea, or sky. This demand for disclosure reminds me just how isolated we are in what is considered a Western, advanced and progressive environment. We, as Westerners, tend to focus on our understanding as a primary world view, when what we believe is only a tiny fraction of the world’s view at large. Hence, we believe the world needs disclosure, when it probably doesn’t. Oh, the irony of it all.

    2) The UK may release policy documents relating to the Rendlesham plasmas event, but that does not mean that the U.S. or other Western countries will heed any intelligence gleaned therein. This release may be only a tiny little chip off the iceberg of secrecy in the U.S. As much as I’d like to believe that the release will foster grants for the purpose of studying unknown plasmas, I’m not holding my breath. If the government actually looks at a grant proposal it would be with the intention of use for furthering military strength. If a private corporation offers grants it will target profits as its objective. So, who will study these plasmas? Who or what entity will pay the scientists, and to whom are the scientists then indebted for desired results? It’s the same old question. To whose advantage will go the spoils of scientific war? Until humans relinquish the idea of “me and mine,” I don’t think results of the true scientific method will prevail in this case.

    3) This groveling before our military and political leaders for disclosure actually disturbs me on a personal level. It’s as though I’m supposed to beg for validation of my experiences, as though I’m asking someone else to believe me, and I don’t need that; I don’t need anyone to agree with me about my spiritual understanding, or my political preferences. I don’t debate these subjects because I don’t need anyone to believe me and side with me. I will listen to others, and I do all the time, but I won’t debate anyone on the merits of their beliefs. Likewise, for my own personal advancement as a human, I don’t need the government to agree with all of us that we’ve had experiences that can’t be rationally dissected and then understood. What we all want to understand is what do my other worldly experiences have to do with me? I’m not sure that any government agency or scientific results are going to answer that. For me, it’s purely a personal discovery. I understand it would be nice to know how dead people can show up with a visitor, or so many other unusual displays of what the ancients called majik, but does that answer the whys and what does it mean for the experiencer? Would knowing the what of an event help the experiencer to understand him or herself better? Maybe. I do think disclosure is for those people for whom abduction and biologic material extraction is an issue.

    4) There is a small segment of the population who experience abduction for biologic purposes. I don’t know the numbers by percentage based on 7+ billion people, but I’d wager it’s small. Perhaps this is one reason that Western governments don’t really feel the need to disclose something that affects the minority. I’m not saying this is right. There are many minority groups for which the government has offered acceptance and self-authority. Why not abductees? The hornet nest of lawsuits unleashed will be unfathomable if it’s discovered the government authorized abduction.

    Thanks, Whitley for allowing us to speak our minds. And as always a very insightful journal post.

  64. Whitley, I admire your dogged
    Whitley, I admire your dogged determination to wake up the scientific community to the possibility of “altered” states and materials. I have a few thoughts:

    1) I find it interesting that this idea of disclosure, and the need for it, is traced to Western societies where the military industrial complex runs the show, with the maintenance of power as their core operating objective. Those countries that have little military involvement in world activities have no need for disclosure as it is already a foregone conclusion there that “other” beings exist, whether from the earth, sea, or sky. This demand for disclosure reminds me just how isolated we are in what is considered a Western, advanced and progressive environment. We, as Westerners, tend to focus on our understanding as a primary world view, when what we believe is only a tiny fraction of the world’s view at large. Hence, we believe the world needs disclosure, when it probably doesn’t. Oh, the irony of it all.

    2) The UK may release policy documents relating to the Rendlesham plasmas event, but that does not mean that the U.S. or other Western countries will heed any intelligence gleaned therein. This release may be only a tiny little chip off the iceberg of secrecy in the U.S. As much as I’d like to believe that the release will foster grants for the purpose of studying unknown plasmas, I’m not holding my breath. If the government actually looks at a grant proposal it would be with the intention of use for furthering military strength. If a private corporation offers grants it will target profits as its objective. So, who will study these plasmas? Who or what entity will pay the scientists, and to whom are the scientists then indebted for desired results? It’s the same old question. To whose advantage will go the spoils of scientific war? Until humans relinquish the idea of “me and mine,” I don’t think results of the true scientific method will prevail in this case.

    3) This groveling before our military and political leaders for disclosure actually disturbs me on a personal level. It’s as though I’m supposed to beg for validation of my experiences, as though I’m asking someone else to believe me, and I don’t need that; I don’t need anyone to agree with me about my spiritual understanding, or my political preferences. I don’t debate these subjects because I don’t need anyone to believe me and side with me. I will listen to others, and I do all the time, but I won’t debate anyone on the merits of their beliefs. Likewise, for my own personal advancement as a human, I don’t need the government to agree with all of us that we’ve had experiences that can’t be rationally dissected and then understood. What we all want to understand is what do my other worldly experiences have to do with me? I’m not sure that any government agency or scientific results are going to answer that. For me, it’s purely a personal discovery. I understand it would be nice to know how dead people can show up with a visitor, or so many other unusual displays of what the ancients called majik, but does that answer the whys and what does it mean for the experiencer? Would knowing the what of an event help the experiencer to understand him or herself better? Maybe. I do think disclosure is for those people for whom abduction and biologic material extraction is an issue.

    4) There is a small segment of the population who experience abduction for biologic purposes. I don’t know the numbers by percentage based on 7+ billion people, but I’d wager it’s small. Perhaps this is one reason that Western governments don’t really feel the need to disclose something that affects the minority. I’m not saying this is right. There are many minority groups for which the government has offered acceptance and self-authority. Why not abductees? The hornet nest of lawsuits unleashed will be unfathomable if it’s discovered the government authorized abduction.

    Thanks, Whitley for allowing us to speak our minds. And as always a very insightful journal post.

  65. You have to bear in mind that
    You have to bear in mind that what Whitley’s addressing here is the issue of governmental disclosure–of which is a *very* different animal than the concept of open contact: both are being maintained for very different reasons, and the resolving of one would not likely lead to the resolution of the other.

    In my own opinion (and furthering Nanci’s ideas here), this particular aspect of disclosure, in that it’s expected to come from the U.S. Government, is probably not a good idea, despite the potential positive aspects that Whitley describes. It would be coming from an organization that has been, at best, adversarial with the cultures involved (and at worst, engaged in a state of war with them), of whom probably actually know very little about what’s going on. While it would finally open the forum of the UFO subject to open study, I feel that the White House might be one of the worst candidates to be able to handle a subject like this, regardless of (and perhaps *because* of) what they have on record.

    We need another Snowden…

  66. You have to bear in mind that
    You have to bear in mind that what Whitley’s addressing here is the issue of governmental disclosure–of which is a *very* different animal than the concept of open contact: both are being maintained for very different reasons, and the resolving of one would not likely lead to the resolution of the other.

    In my own opinion (and furthering Nanci’s ideas here), this particular aspect of disclosure, in that it’s expected to come from the U.S. Government, is probably not a good idea, despite the potential positive aspects that Whitley describes. It would be coming from an organization that has been, at best, adversarial with the cultures involved (and at worst, engaged in a state of war with them), of whom probably actually know very little about what’s going on. While it would finally open the forum of the UFO subject to open study, I feel that the White House might be one of the worst candidates to be able to handle a subject like this, regardless of (and perhaps *because* of) what they have on record.

    We need another Snowden…

  67. I think it would change our
    I think it would change our lives in every single facet. Let’s let the genie out of the bottle, let’s do something noble this time. Hundreds of races from our Galaxy may want to meet with us. I’m interested to see how the Visitors respond to disclosure, along with the public. I’m looking forward to visitation on an ongoing basis from people who live on other planets. We can’t begin to imagine how this would affect our culture and society. The only way to find out is to do it.

    We have the right to meet with our relatives, Visitors from other Star systems, Galaxies, or Universes. We own that right because of our innate connection to all conscious, living things, and everything in creation.

  68. I think it would change our
    I think it would change our lives in every single facet. Let’s let the genie out of the bottle, let’s do something noble this time. Hundreds of races from our Galaxy may want to meet with us. I’m interested to see how the Visitors respond to disclosure, along with the public. I’m looking forward to visitation on an ongoing basis from people who live on other planets. We can’t begin to imagine how this would affect our culture and society. The only way to find out is to do it.

    We have the right to meet with our relatives, Visitors from other Star systems, Galaxies, or Universes. We own that right because of our innate connection to all conscious, living things, and everything in creation.

  69. i believe if we get
    i believe if we get disclosure, bentwaters / rendlesham forest might just be the key that unlocks the truth. stay on this case whitley…

  70. i believe if we get
    i believe if we get disclosure, bentwaters / rendlesham forest might just be the key that unlocks the truth. stay on this case whitley…

  71. I have sensed a change coming
    I have sensed a change coming and a shift in the level of consciousness for some of us here on this planet. Even though we have been indoctrinated gradually to accept disclosure(t.v., movies, books, etc,) if and when it does come, we culturally have a distance to go–how it will effect our economy, way of life, faith, and what is real. I have family members that refuse to believe any of this is real, but as an experiencer and a member of a CE-5 group in Texas, I realize that for these people it will be tougher than anything they’ve ever experienced or had to accept. Will people like this who can’t accept it go crazy because they feel as though they are not safe? I hope that there is some kind of infrastructure in place that will give people guidelines when this does come about, and not have to worry that we will be in some kind of police state devised by the current government and designed to control our individual freedoms.

  72. I have sensed a change coming
    I have sensed a change coming and a shift in the level of consciousness for some of us here on this planet. Even though we have been indoctrinated gradually to accept disclosure(t.v., movies, books, etc,) if and when it does come, we culturally have a distance to go–how it will effect our economy, way of life, faith, and what is real. I have family members that refuse to believe any of this is real, but as an experiencer and a member of a CE-5 group in Texas, I realize that for these people it will be tougher than anything they’ve ever experienced or had to accept. Will people like this who can’t accept it go crazy because they feel as though they are not safe? I hope that there is some kind of infrastructure in place that will give people guidelines when this does come about, and not have to worry that we will be in some kind of police state devised by the current government and designed to control our individual freedoms.

  73. Another term beyond
    Another term beyond disclosure is transformation (oh yeah you’ve already used that one). Look forward to the new book.

  74. Another term beyond
    Another term beyond disclosure is transformation (oh yeah you’ve already used that one). Look forward to the new book.

  75. I think that the impact of
    I think that the impact of the U.K MoD disclosure will depend on how much information is actually released. Since the United States military was involved, I suspect that the U.S. will have a hand in what is going to be disclosed. Given the U.S. track record, I don’t think full disclosure is likely.

    I am hoping that the powers that be within the United States government (or the breakaway civilization) will pull the necessary strings to have the news media cover the story without all the jokes and sarcasm. If the news media gives it some serious coverage, then documentaries, movies and the internet will increase the coverage exponentially. I believe that if more people in the world wake up to the fact that alien
    intelligences are interacting with the people of Earth that it might help to unite the human race. Sure, there will be a period of adjustment (some of them will act like nuts). But eventually, many of the simple-minded belief systems will fall by the wayside and that will be a good thing.

    Little by little, the idea that we are not alone is penetrating the consciousness of people around the world. I hope that this next dose of disclosure will have a significant impact. Changing the beliefs and understanding of the people of Earth is like trying to turn a huge ship around. It won’t turn on a dime.

    There’s my 10 cents.

  76. I think that the impact of
    I think that the impact of the U.K MoD disclosure will depend on how much information is actually released. Since the United States military was involved, I suspect that the U.S. will have a hand in what is going to be disclosed. Given the U.S. track record, I don’t think full disclosure is likely.

    I am hoping that the powers that be within the United States government (or the breakaway civilization) will pull the necessary strings to have the news media cover the story without all the jokes and sarcasm. If the news media gives it some serious coverage, then documentaries, movies and the internet will increase the coverage exponentially. I believe that if more people in the world wake up to the fact that alien
    intelligences are interacting with the people of Earth that it might help to unite the human race. Sure, there will be a period of adjustment (some of them will act like nuts). But eventually, many of the simple-minded belief systems will fall by the wayside and that will be a good thing.

    Little by little, the idea that we are not alone is penetrating the consciousness of people around the world. I hope that this next dose of disclosure will have a significant impact. Changing the beliefs and understanding of the people of Earth is like trying to turn a huge ship around. It won’t turn on a dime.

    There’s my 10 cents.

  77. Hi Whitley
    Alas, I feel that

    Hi Whitley

    Alas, I feel that the constant consumerism and petty domestic thinking that goes round and round is a major stumbling block on a majority of people clamped in circumstances that blindsides the majority. Having said that the world is getting more informed and smaller because of it and perhaps with a more determined push we can get lucky, ironically as science has relied on so many occasions, and hopefully people will wake up.

  78. Hi Whitley
    Alas, I feel that

    Hi Whitley

    Alas, I feel that the constant consumerism and petty domestic thinking that goes round and round is a major stumbling block on a majority of people clamped in circumstances that blindsides the majority. Having said that the world is getting more informed and smaller because of it and perhaps with a more determined push we can get lucky, ironically as science has relied on so many occasions, and hopefully people will wake up.

  79. The problem with official
    The problem with official U.S. government disclosure is that unless they are forced, in my opinion it will NEVER happen ! The full knowledge of the UFO issue is highly compartmentalized and only those in the “breakaway civilization” really know all about it. They are hugely profiting from their control of this knowledge and technology so why would they ever release it ?? If a new alien race enters our solar system, who right now would meet with them and make a deal with them ?? Us, our governments or the breakaway civilization who already have the ships and people to go meet the new visitors and cut a deal with them and we know nothing about it.
    If the Earth’s atmosphere gets messed up by our pollution and it kills most of us, to them it is a benefit. They have the technology to later fix it and they have safe comfortable bases off the Earth. After we’re all 6 feet under, they can come down to Earth, fix it up and they and their descendants will rule this planet–not us or our descendants.
    I don’t mean to be negative and I pray for disclosure more than anyone but with respect to Whitley, David Wilcox and others working to have official disclosure, the breakaway civilization and their agents in the U.S. government who control this information will NEVER allow official disclosure unless they are forced to. Disclosure is totally against THEIR best interests so in my opinion they will fight it tooth and nail.

  80. The problem with official
    The problem with official U.S. government disclosure is that unless they are forced, in my opinion it will NEVER happen ! The full knowledge of the UFO issue is highly compartmentalized and only those in the “breakaway civilization” really know all about it. They are hugely profiting from their control of this knowledge and technology so why would they ever release it ?? If a new alien race enters our solar system, who right now would meet with them and make a deal with them ?? Us, our governments or the breakaway civilization who already have the ships and people to go meet the new visitors and cut a deal with them and we know nothing about it.
    If the Earth’s atmosphere gets messed up by our pollution and it kills most of us, to them it is a benefit. They have the technology to later fix it and they have safe comfortable bases off the Earth. After we’re all 6 feet under, they can come down to Earth, fix it up and they and their descendants will rule this planet–not us or our descendants.
    I don’t mean to be negative and I pray for disclosure more than anyone but with respect to Whitley, David Wilcox and others working to have official disclosure, the breakaway civilization and their agents in the U.S. government who control this information will NEVER allow official disclosure unless they are forced to. Disclosure is totally against THEIR best interests so in my opinion they will fight it tooth and nail.

  81. A breakaway civilization does
    A breakaway civilization does not have the right to usurp communications with Visitors from Exoplanets or elsewhere. By definition, they don’t represent us…..

  82. A breakaway civilization does
    A breakaway civilization does not have the right to usurp communications with Visitors from Exoplanets or elsewhere. By definition, they don’t represent us…..

  83. Your Journal posting gives me
    Your Journal posting gives me hope. It is certainly a slow process, in human terms, but it aims upward. Rendlesham is a significant event that helps keep us on the path to understanding. We are trying to understand a “world” that is far beyond our grasp. You help us see a part of a bigger picture. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this time. Thank you

  84. Your Journal posting gives me
    Your Journal posting gives me hope. It is certainly a slow process, in human terms, but it aims upward. Rendlesham is a significant event that helps keep us on the path to understanding. We are trying to understand a “world” that is far beyond our grasp. You help us see a part of a bigger picture. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this time. Thank you

  85. Thank You for everything you
    Thank You for everything you do Whitley. As I sit here in Philadelphia, loudspeakers fill the air with very loud live church music the pope is having his last Mass while here.

    It just makes me think if only these people knew of the larger reality that might be hitting us all pretty soon.

  86. Thank You for everything you
    Thank You for everything you do Whitley. As I sit here in Philadelphia, loudspeakers fill the air with very loud live church music the pope is having his last Mass while here.

    It just makes me think if only these people knew of the larger reality that might be hitting us all pretty soon.

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