Back in 1985 when I published Nature’s End, my publisher arranged a news conference in Washington. The environmental reporters who showed up mostly scoffed at the warnings in the book. It predicted terrible fires, catastrophic droughts and pollution emergencies among other things, set in the context of a science fiction story. It was set in the year 2020. My co-author James Kunetka and I had called it with heartbreaking accuracy. We were ignored.
In 1999, Art Bell and I published Superstorm. When we went on the Today show, Matt Lauer scoffed at us. Al Gore preached slow climate change. In fact, that was the mantra of the environmental movement at the time. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now. We are in an absolutely urgent climate crisis. In fact, even the president has recently admitted that global warming is real–but then said that there’s nothing to be done about it. In other words, we shouldn’t try to save the lives of the young people of this world.
The Master of the Key, whose comments about global warming led to the writing of Superstorm, also said that "sin is denial of the right to thrive." At this point in human history, there could be no greater sin than global warming denial. It is a sin and a crime both against humanity and against all life on this planet.
The danger of global warming is not a recent discovery. In fact, one of the world’s leading global warming deniers, the Exxon Corporation, understood back in the 1970s what would happen. Internal documents their scientists created at the time make this crystal clear. But instead of doing the responsible thing, as was recommended internally, they chose to become the foundational resource for global warming denial.
Global warming denial is and always has been about one thing: greed–make money now and let the children die. That’s the stark truth of it. But now those children are no longer living in some distant future. Climate change is here and the danger is with us right now and our kids who are growing up right this moment are in direct jeopardy.
As I write this, a terrible hurricane is hitting the Florida panhandle. It will cause great destruction and certain loss of life, and each and every global warming denier bears a degree of personal responsibility for that suffering and all of the suffering that the climate upheaval that is going on now is causing and will cause. There’s no getting around it: voting for climate change and global warming deniers requires that you take personal responsibility for the suffering that these greedy liars have caused and are causing.
If Exxon, back in the 1970s, had cast its corporate vote on behalf of the human future and the political world had followed with the kind of action that could have been accomplished then, Hurricane Michael would not be as intense right now, and might not be there at all. As I have been warning since before Katrina, the Gulf of Mexico is dangerously warm and when storms enter it, they are highly likely to turn into monsters, as is happening right now.
Because the deniers chose to spread lies in the service of greed, a whole lot of suffering is going to come upon us. Had a great corporation like Exxon–or any number of others–taken action, the politicians would have followed. Instead, they filled the political coffers of the deniers and spread the pernicious lie that there is some kind of debate involved here. There is no debate and never has been. Nature is numbers and the numbers tell a very clear story. It is that weather chaos is going to continue and get worse and worse until this place is going to become unlivable.
So, what can be done? Actually, a lot, but it is going to take real leadership and on planet Earth, that starts with the United States. The pressure put on money-hungry politicians by big oil, big coal and too many others has caused this country to fail in its essential leadership role, until we have reached the sinful, evil and false proposition: yes, global warming is real but there’s nothing we can do about it.
Technologies that would remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are a possibility, but there has been little research into how to do this. There needs to be much more. At the same time, we need to get much more aggressive about reducing our emissions worldwide. There has to be a new and more urgent level of international co-operation. But without American leadership, it simply will not happen. Like it or not, this country is the leader of the world and it needs to accept that reality. Moreover, the corporate world must stand up and take active responsibility. Companies like Exxon and the others that have led the global warming denial parade need to face up to what they have done and what they are responsible for and proactively join the effort to save this planet and this species.
Right now in this country, what we have is a lunatic effort to help the coal industry while harming the solar industry. Why? For only one reason: greed. Or is it deeper? Is there some sort of wish that a whole lot of people die on this planet? I’ve been the subject of too many conspiracy theories to take them very seriously, but I can imagine that some sort of cabal of super wealthy might imagine that the third world will be the most damaged, and want that to happen.
The third world, however, which has much simpler infrastructure, is more durable than the first. Our complex cities are not so easily repaired as the simpler ones in poorer areas. In addition, both Europe and the United States are particularly vulnerable to the type of weather extremes that are emerging right now.
It is ironic indeed that the southern US is an area of acute vulnerability and also the world center of global warming denial. Uniformly across that entire region, the political leadership is in denial. In fact, if you take a strong stand on global warming, there are few constituencies in the south that will elect you. They and all the others like them have to change. That’s all there is to it. And now.
We are out of time.
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You are so right about the
You are so right about the developed world, we just don’t have basic life skills. Its always heart warming to see the acts of kindness and heroism after these disasters. Unfortunately things will ratchet up and helping others will become very hazardous. Waters will not recede quickly, FEMA is going to be overwhelmed, and infectious disease will once again become a killer.
Its funny, whenever there’s a poll on climate change people tend to accept its happening. The problem is it just hasn’t become inconvenient enough to make a difference at the voting booth.
You are so right about the
You are so right about the developed world, we just don’t have basic life skills. Its always heart warming to see the acts of kindness and heroism after these disasters. Unfortunately things will ratchet up and helping others will become very hazardous. Waters will not recede quickly, FEMA is going to be overwhelmed, and infectious disease will once again become a killer.
Its funny, whenever there’s a poll on climate change people tend to accept its happening. The problem is it just hasn’t become inconvenient enough to make a difference at the voting booth.
Living in the South, I know
Living in the South, I know first hand you are correct Whitley.
Our maliciously terrible leaders are Faust and they are trying to pass us the Devil’s bill.
“If man avoids regarding himself as the king of the universe, it is because he lacks the courage to recover his titles thereto, because its duties seem too laborious, and because he fears less to renounce his/her state and rights than to undertake the restoration of their value.”
LC de St Martin
Living in the South, I know
Living in the South, I know first hand you are correct Whitley.
Our maliciously terrible leaders are Faust and they are trying to pass us the Devil’s bill.
“If man avoids regarding himself as the king of the universe, it is because he lacks the courage to recover his titles thereto, because its duties seem too laborious, and because he fears less to renounce his/her state and rights than to undertake the restoration of their value.”
LC de St Martin
What can we do
What can we do
Do a Search for “Drawdown +
Do a Search for “Drawdown + Paul Hawken”
What can we do
What can we do
Do a Search for “Drawdown +
Do a Search for “Drawdown + Paul Hawken”
As a Brit, watching this
As a Brit, watching this latest hurricane cause devastation is heart-rending.
I’m so sorry to see so much suffering but am sorrier to think that worse is to come.
All I can say is what I hope for.
As a Brit, watching this
As a Brit, watching this latest hurricane cause devastation is heart-rending.
I’m so sorry to see so much suffering but am sorrier to think that worse is to come.
All I can say is what I hope for.
I have been a viewer and then
I have been a viewer and then a member of this site for sometime but seldom post. First became aware of potential earth changes from my therapist in the early 80’s who was a reader of Gordon Michael Scanlon material. Don’t recall how I ended up over here but this site along with much other reading and life experience has opened my eyes in so many ways.
When ancient prophecies, modern channeled material, and scientific predictions fall into agreement how can anyone deny reality. Yet too many do even as this suddenly cat 4 hurricane destroys parts of the heart of dixie where climate change denial is a religion.
Based on my experience as a resident of central NC I don’t think these storms will change many minds. I think there is an unconscious death wish that is playing out in large segments of humanity. This group tends to see life through a lens of fear that seeks a strong leader in increasingly chaotic times.
The US is at a crossroads to go towards fear and more authoritarian governance or review/rework/renew our system with wellness instead of profit/greed being the goal of national life. I think the next downturn of the business cycle is near. If Americans are this angry with a booming economy what happens in a 2008+ economy? History seems to show that the end of empires is often messy, “pride goeth before the fall”.
I have been a viewer and then
I have been a viewer and then a member of this site for sometime but seldom post. First became aware of potential earth changes from my therapist in the early 80’s who was a reader of Gordon Michael Scanlon material. Don’t recall how I ended up over here but this site along with much other reading and life experience has opened my eyes in so many ways.
When ancient prophecies, modern channeled material, and scientific predictions fall into agreement how can anyone deny reality. Yet too many do even as this suddenly cat 4 hurricane destroys parts of the heart of dixie where climate change denial is a religion.
Based on my experience as a resident of central NC I don’t think these storms will change many minds. I think there is an unconscious death wish that is playing out in large segments of humanity. This group tends to see life through a lens of fear that seeks a strong leader in increasingly chaotic times.
The US is at a crossroads to go towards fear and more authoritarian governance or review/rework/renew our system with wellness instead of profit/greed being the goal of national life. I think the next downturn of the business cycle is near. If Americans are this angry with a booming economy what happens in a 2008+ economy? History seems to show that the end of empires is often messy, “pride goeth before the fall”.
Thank you William “Drawdown”
Thank you William “Drawdown” is a powerful example of what we can do when we work together as a human earthbound family. I never doubted for a moment that we have all the intelligence, organizational and technical skills to turn this around or that we could over next several generations revitalize the natural world from which all us beings arise.
What we seem to lack are enough leaders with the emotional/spiritual maturity and wisdom to see beyond the entrancement of the material world. Why is it so hard to recognize that at best our lives are short and no one takes any of their wealth with them? Then it seems wise leaders need wise followers or is this about the “eye of the needle” thing that we humans have to pass through?
Thank you William “Drawdown”
Thank you William “Drawdown” is a powerful example of what we can do when we work together as a human earthbound family. I never doubted for a moment that we have all the intelligence, organizational and technical skills to turn this around or that we could over next several generations revitalize the natural world from which all us beings arise.
What we seem to lack are enough leaders with the emotional/spiritual maturity and wisdom to see beyond the entrancement of the material world. Why is it so hard to recognize that at best our lives are short and no one takes any of their wealth with them? Then it seems wise leaders need wise followers or is this about the “eye of the needle” thing that we humans have to pass through?
Not sure if Whitley thinks
Not sure if Whitley thinks its Kosher here, but guys like Noory perpetuate the denial with his idiocy. I wouldn’t lament if he was never on there again.
On a more positive note, government subsidizing solar to the consumers, pumping money into alternative tech and agriculture based tactics such as permaculture and biochar could go a long way.
Of course voting to change recalcitrant politicians would help tremendously, but I just don’t have much faith in the voting public based on our president’s existence. Nice to see the comments this time! This really is the most important topic discussed hear.
Not sure if Whitley thinks
Not sure if Whitley thinks its Kosher here, but guys like Noory perpetuate the denial with his idiocy. I wouldn’t lament if he was never on there again.
On a more positive note, government subsidizing solar to the consumers, pumping money into alternative tech and agriculture based tactics such as permaculture and biochar could go a long way.
Of course voting to change recalcitrant politicians would help tremendously, but I just don’t have much faith in the voting public based on our president’s existence. Nice to see the comments this time! This really is the most important topic discussed hear.
I very much agree with
I very much agree with Stephen and nats. Just up the road in the Norfolk area is the largest naval base in the world. Reports are that already areas are often flooded and it has been getting much worse over the last few years. And while the navy is rebuilding some of the facilities they are prohibited from referencing ocean level rise or climate change as the reason. The pentagon besides being the biggest money sink in the world also sometimes has to deal with existential realities, kill or be killed, so they have been studying climate change science as a factual reality. Yet the conservatives who worship in that church don’t agree. I’m guessing profit for their masters is a higher theology?
I very much agree with
I very much agree with Stephen and nats. Just up the road in the Norfolk area is the largest naval base in the world. Reports are that already areas are often flooded and it has been getting much worse over the last few years. And while the navy is rebuilding some of the facilities they are prohibited from referencing ocean level rise or climate change as the reason. The pentagon besides being the biggest money sink in the world also sometimes has to deal with existential realities, kill or be killed, so they have been studying climate change science as a factual reality. Yet the conservatives who worship in that church don’t agree. I’m guessing profit for their masters is a higher theology?
WillNC, regarding your idea
WillNC, regarding your idea that this has to become a national security issue, Tyndall AFB may have lost 17 F-22s to Hurricane Michael, an event that Business Insider likens to having lost a major air battle — without even getting their warplanes off the ground:
“Even if all F-35s and F-22s turn out fine, the losses at Tyndall Air Force Base, where stealth fighter training takes place, represent a huge setback to US air dominance on par with losing a big battle.”
The war has begun…
Yes but they will do nothing!
Yes but they will do nothing! The Pentagon acknowledged GCC back in 2008 by raising the Docks in Norfolk VA. But no one will do NOTHING as teh Military is teh biggest user of OIL & Gas.
WillNC, regarding your idea
WillNC, regarding your idea that this has to become a national security issue, Tyndall AFB may have lost 17 F-22s to Hurricane Michael, an event that Business Insider likens to having lost a major air battle — without even getting their warplanes off the ground:
“Even if all F-35s and F-22s turn out fine, the losses at Tyndall Air Force Base, where stealth fighter training takes place, represent a huge setback to US air dominance on par with losing a big battle.”
The war has begun…
Yes but they will do nothing!
Yes but they will do nothing! The Pentagon acknowledged GCC back in 2008 by raising the Docks in Norfolk VA. But no one will do NOTHING as teh Military is teh biggest user of OIL & Gas.
Unfortunately, this latest
Unfortunately, this latest entry from Whitley is all too accurate. The truth is that greed has become the hallmark of our current government and the Republican congress. There will be no retrenchment from this position. Just as we now see the majority being ruled by the minority(a recipe for disaster if ever there was one!), we see the few/greedy making laws and enforcing policies that simply reinforce the unfair dynamic. It completely baffles me how the “average Joe” can support such people when in reality doing so only hurts them. Maybe it is akin to pre-Civil War poor white Southerners supporting the systematic ownership of other human beings(slavery), a system that actually ensures their own economic hardships would continue. Absent slavery, those same whites would not have had to deal with free labor and landowners would have had to pay workers. Yes, the bigger issue was racial superiority(and its myth). Same thing in my eyes today. By acknowledging climate change and its root causes, we could address it and devote resources to fighting it. However, many people are threatened by the fear mongering lies perpetuated on them by the greedy oil/coal industry. Whereas many could be employed in solar and wind energy production, and they are industries in demand under normal circumstances, the Trump supporters are essentially embracing a system that only benefits the wealthy and greediest.
By the way, for an interesting take on Trump’s Climate Change “position”, I suggest you read Paul Krugman’s NY Times’ commentary today.
Unfortunately, this latest
Unfortunately, this latest entry from Whitley is all too accurate. The truth is that greed has become the hallmark of our current government and the Republican congress. There will be no retrenchment from this position. Just as we now see the majority being ruled by the minority(a recipe for disaster if ever there was one!), we see the few/greedy making laws and enforcing policies that simply reinforce the unfair dynamic. It completely baffles me how the “average Joe” can support such people when in reality doing so only hurts them. Maybe it is akin to pre-Civil War poor white Southerners supporting the systematic ownership of other human beings(slavery), a system that actually ensures their own economic hardships would continue. Absent slavery, those same whites would not have had to deal with free labor and landowners would have had to pay workers. Yes, the bigger issue was racial superiority(and its myth). Same thing in my eyes today. By acknowledging climate change and its root causes, we could address it and devote resources to fighting it. However, many people are threatened by the fear mongering lies perpetuated on them by the greedy oil/coal industry. Whereas many could be employed in solar and wind energy production, and they are industries in demand under normal circumstances, the Trump supporters are essentially embracing a system that only benefits the wealthy and greediest.
By the way, for an interesting take on Trump’s Climate Change “position”, I suggest you read Paul Krugman’s NY Times’ commentary today.
jkdlou99: Thanks for
jkdlou99: Thanks for mentioning the Krugman article, it was good. People are too busy, naive, ignorant……whatever to notice that their future is being taken by pure and simple greed!
jkdlou99: Thanks for
jkdlou99: Thanks for mentioning the Krugman article, it was good. People are too busy, naive, ignorant……whatever to notice that their future is being taken by pure and simple greed!
The only way to get all
The only way to get all people on board that currently deny climate change dangers, short of, say, massive hurricanes that strike New York City, Charleston, Savannah etc. on a Katrina scale, or massive oceanic water level rises that flood all of our coastal cities, all within the next two to five years, is to have the military loudly declare climate change an immediate national security threat. Which, it is, and they have stated it as such to very little media exposure. And they subsequently convincing Republican politicians.
Most of the current Republican base vehemently denies it all as a liberal hoax to induce socialistic changes in our economic infrastructure (even though the solutions to it require not one bit of Keynesian economic remodeling much less anything more extreme). However, the one thing they all gather in support of more than lowering taxes is defending ourselves against military threats. Present it as a direct threat to our nation militarily, and there will be rapid changes of heart among them. Failing all of that, they will deny the threat no matter how obvious and elegant the science is confirming climate change as real and dangerous. We live in an age of belief now, not facts, reason, logic; save alone, that is, for military exigencies. All scientific reports stating climate change as factually dire will be put into the conspiracy theory liberal “fake news” category by most Republicans until it is recognized as a clear and present national security issue.
The only way to get all
The only way to get all people on board that currently deny climate change dangers, short of, say, massive hurricanes that strike New York City, Charleston, Savannah etc. on a Katrina scale, or massive oceanic water level rises that flood all of our coastal cities, all within the next two to five years, is to have the military loudly declare climate change an immediate national security threat. Which, it is, and they have stated it as such to very little media exposure. And they subsequently convincing Republican politicians.
Most of the current Republican base vehemently denies it all as a liberal hoax to induce socialistic changes in our economic infrastructure (even though the solutions to it require not one bit of Keynesian economic remodeling much less anything more extreme). However, the one thing they all gather in support of more than lowering taxes is defending ourselves against military threats. Present it as a direct threat to our nation militarily, and there will be rapid changes of heart among them. Failing all of that, they will deny the threat no matter how obvious and elegant the science is confirming climate change as real and dangerous. We live in an age of belief now, not facts, reason, logic; save alone, that is, for military exigencies. All scientific reports stating climate change as factually dire will be put into the conspiracy theory liberal “fake news” category by most Republicans until it is recognized as a clear and present national security issue.
Fellow esoteric fans. It is
Fellow esoteric fans. It is my firm belief that the game is over. Its about futile adaptability. Civilization is a heat engine. aerosol dimming…Atlantic conveyor belt…lose of grains….
I also try to offer hope but the reality is its far to late. DOOM. Google: Guy McPherson.
I do wonder what Remote Viewers may see? Have any looked?
Fellow esoteric fans. It is
Fellow esoteric fans. It is my firm belief that the game is over. Its about futile adaptability. Civilization is a heat engine. aerosol dimming…Atlantic conveyor belt…lose of grains….
I also try to offer hope but the reality is its far to late. DOOM. Google: Guy McPherson.
I do wonder what Remote Viewers may see? Have any looked?