So the new website is delayed again and once again just as we were about to deploy it. This is the third time in two years. The first time, within just weeks of deployment it was flooded with malware and had to be started over from scratch. (I have backups, of course) The second group want to move it to Amazon Web Services, which we did. Then, of all the odd things to happen, the machine it was no in Amazon’s vast server farm was physically destroyed! (Hacking AWS is next to impossible, which is why we moved there. But when the site is physically destroy, you have to wonder if you’ve got some kind of problem that is unusual.
So third time lucky? Not at all. The developer who was working on it abruptly quit, saying that he was too ill to continue. He has diabetes, but I’m not so sure that this would have been enough to justify His stopping work. I think that he might have been gotten to somehow.
We have a new developer and the site is mostly finished, so hopefully it won’t be long.
Somebody is doing this, I am convinced. Whoever it is really does not want me to have a public presence. I have no idea who it is, but they have sophisticated capabilities for sure.
Last week’s Dreamland is another example. It is on the Nazca Mummies. New DNA testing has confirmed that they are not human, but there is a news blackout on that even among websites and podcasts devoted to this stuff. But what has been found is really extraordinary. And yet, if you Google them, you get all sorts of wild lies, including one claim that they’re Russian propaganda!
What happened to it was that the subscriber feed failed. It also has failed to be set up properly on Alexa and Tune-In radio. But when I tested those channels after posting the show, everything was working fine. I don’t think that any of this is an accident. I think that it is being done on purpose.
I have been under this gun for years. I tell the truth on my site, on my show and everywhere else, and somebody does not like that.
I am involved with the visitors daily and have been now since September of 2015. They are not evil, at least not the ones I have in my life. They are richly forthcoming and very obviously care about mankind. But they are not alone out there, and I am pretty sure somebody else doesn’t want them to have a relationship with us. They want us to weaken and die. Why, I cannot imagine. But they do and I think that they have some very powerful people on their side.
They have been warning me and other close encounter witnesses about climate change for at least 30 years. That is not something somebody who dislikes you is going to do. But it is the most persistent and widespread of their messages. So when I see some politician or other deny that the problem exists, I always think to myself that the dark side must own that person.
They also communicated to me that “it will come upon them unaware.” As they have never been wrong about a single thing they have taught me, this has worried me a lot. What might that be? No way to tell, but I keep trying. There are gigantic unstable glaciers in both Greenland and Antarctica. If any one of them were to slide into the sea, we would have a huge problem. Also, there is a steady rise of volcanism around the Pacific Rim. But so far no indication that a catastrophe is coming. I wait and watch, and believe me, if something awful is about to happen and I find out early, you will be the first to know!
So here I sit, still struggling with my website, still trying to communicate important messages from the visitors and more-or-less being ignored when I am not actually squelched.
But what can you and I do about climate change? Not a lot, obviously. And I don’t think that the visitors are going to swoop down and save us. We have to save ourselves. If we don’t, my guess is that they will let us go. We need our leaders to step up and make things happen, but they appear to do anything but, and not just in the US. Still, we should be leading in this area, and we are hardly doing that!
Practically nobody got to listen to the Nazca Mummies Dreamland. I will get it archived as soon as possible and it will stay on my YouTube channel as long as I have a channel. I say that because I don’t think it would take much for somebody to get to them and get them to take the channel down.
I will never stop doing the work that I do, not until I’m dead. And after death, if it’s possible for me to communicate, I certainly will. But it won’t be through, say, channeling. I’ll try to be more direct than that, if possible.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Maybe you are the visitors
Maybe you are the visitors voice? I’d like to know more about them.
Maybe you are the visitors
Maybe you are the visitors voice? I’d like to know more about them.
Whitley, you are one of the
Whitley, you are one of the very few people many of us experiencers trust. I can feel the frustration in your words. Don’t even mention leaving this world…your work is far from done. You still have so much to teach us! We have been through so much, so many obstacles and more challenges than most can even guess. Like Linda Moulton Howe, you are a legend, and a hero, always fighting to give us the knowledge we cannot get anywhere else. No one is going to deny you are clearly being messed with. It isn’t imagination. Screw them. The last thing those working against you in the shadows (cowards) should ever want is you getting your vengeance in the afterlife!
Whitley, you are one of the
Whitley, you are one of the very few people many of us experiencers trust. I can feel the frustration in your words. Don’t even mention leaving this world…your work is far from done. You still have so much to teach us! We have been through so much, so many obstacles and more challenges than most can even guess. Like Linda Moulton Howe, you are a legend, and a hero, always fighting to give us the knowledge we cannot get anywhere else. No one is going to deny you are clearly being messed with. It isn’t imagination. Screw them. The last thing those working against you in the shadows (cowards) should ever want is you getting your vengeance in the afterlife!
Hey Whitley,
Hey Whitley, listeners…..
you know, we are up front enough that just leave Go Fund Me up, and subscribers know their sub dates… Im sure they can just pop in and drop their support. As for the “mummies” show, I heard all of it. maybe folks should just try to download the low bandwidth first, then stream it.
After hearing the story, I wasn’t surprised nor do i think most listeners would have been. Well, save the fact we have closer genetic ties to bananas… =0
like so many things here, I would like to think most everyone who visits here and garners some knowledge, already know that we have never been “alone” on this planet.
As for global warming, there are folks who deeply fear it so much, they refuse to believe it or even face it. A popular radio host seems to vomit up with frequency how global warming is a liberal hoax. He was even wrong on the North Atlantic Pump failure some years ago.
I think the mindset is, “I’ll be long dead when things go badly.”
But, i think you are most correct, like the legendary mammoth with greens still in its mouth – flash frozen. It will come upon them… and us.
Thanks Whitley S. for your clarion call. All I can say is train the children because we might not be here.
Hey Whitley,
Hey Whitley, listeners…..
you know, we are up front enough that just leave Go Fund Me up, and subscribers know their sub dates… Im sure they can just pop in and drop their support. As for the “mummies” show, I heard all of it. maybe folks should just try to download the low bandwidth first, then stream it.
After hearing the story, I wasn’t surprised nor do i think most listeners would have been. Well, save the fact we have closer genetic ties to bananas… =0
like so many things here, I would like to think most everyone who visits here and garners some knowledge, already know that we have never been “alone” on this planet.
As for global warming, there are folks who deeply fear it so much, they refuse to believe it or even face it. A popular radio host seems to vomit up with frequency how global warming is a liberal hoax. He was even wrong on the North Atlantic Pump failure some years ago.
I think the mindset is, “I’ll be long dead when things go badly.”
But, i think you are most correct, like the legendary mammoth with greens still in its mouth – flash frozen. It will come upon them… and us.
Thanks Whitley S. for your clarion call. All I can say is train the children because we might not be here.
Whitley, I cannot even
Whitley, I cannot even imagine how difficult this has to be for you. Just know there are lots of people pulling for you/for ALL of us at this time when the WHOLE world seems to be in turmoil. Sometimes I even wonder if those unseen forces are stressed as well; IF their emotions are similar to ours. ARE THEY AT WAR? Surely we as humankind MUST be worth fighting for. I have included an automatic e-mail received from spaceweather today indicating something unusual going on with our magnetic poles. This was also posted on your (Latest News page last week).
“And it’s in a bit of trouble. Researchers have announced that the WMM needs an emergency update because Earth’s magnetic field is changing.”
Whitley, I cannot even
Whitley, I cannot even imagine how difficult this has to be for you. Just know there are lots of people pulling for you/for ALL of us at this time when the WHOLE world seems to be in turmoil. Sometimes I even wonder if those unseen forces are stressed as well; IF their emotions are similar to ours. ARE THEY AT WAR? Surely we as humankind MUST be worth fighting for. I have included an automatic e-mail received from spaceweather today indicating something unusual going on with our magnetic poles. This was also posted on your (Latest News page last week).
“And it’s in a bit of trouble. Researchers have announced that the WMM needs an emergency update because Earth’s magnetic field is changing.”
Ultra right evangelicals have
Ultra right evangelicals have been implicated at suppressing ET disclosure recently, especially by George Knapp. I’m not surprised by this, as they have largely been in the climate denial side as well. Its no secret that they are also a large part of our presidents base. Ipso facto the power behind the suppression of your site. I figured out a long time ago that the christian god they believe in and the one I know are two very different things.
Ultra right evangelicals have
Ultra right evangelicals have been implicated at suppressing ET disclosure recently, especially by George Knapp. I’m not surprised by this, as they have largely been in the climate denial side as well. Its no secret that they are also a large part of our presidents base. Ipso facto the power behind the suppression of your site. I figured out a long time ago that the christian god they believe in and the one I know are two very different things.
Sorry to hear the new website
Sorry to hear the new website is delayed again.
“So here I sit, still struggling with my website, still trying to communicate important messages from the visitors and more-or-less being ignored when I am not actually squelched.”
This is what I don’t understand. I get that without the new site you can’t get the subscription mechanism working again. But even once that’s fixed, I don’t see how it will extend your ability to influence the general public on matters such as climate change. If someone like Al Gore can’t do it, who is someone without the baggage of alien abduction fame and with strong financial support, then how can you hope to?
Further, it’s hard to believe that if the visitors wanted their message to reach a wider audience, they wouldn’t easily take other measures to do so, rather than continue to rely on Whitley whose reach has been marginalized even by his own account. While it’s probably not just a matter of going into Oprah’s bedroom, they are obviously clever enough to achieve most if not all their aims.
It seems to me that this (earth) is their metaphorical fishbowl, in which to rearrange the plants and gravel as they wish.
It’s more than possible that the fate of homo sapiens is not their primary concern, no more than the fate of the neanderthal ever was. It seems that they pulled their genetic samples as needed between around 1960 and 2000, and now it’s on to the next phase. I’m not saying that we should act in a hopeless way, because that would be abandoning our best humanity. But my guess is that we can only try to make the best of the roller coaster, not stop the ride.
Sorry to hear the new website
Sorry to hear the new website is delayed again.
“So here I sit, still struggling with my website, still trying to communicate important messages from the visitors and more-or-less being ignored when I am not actually squelched.”
This is what I don’t understand. I get that without the new site you can’t get the subscription mechanism working again. But even once that’s fixed, I don’t see how it will extend your ability to influence the general public on matters such as climate change. If someone like Al Gore can’t do it, who is someone without the baggage of alien abduction fame and with strong financial support, then how can you hope to?
Further, it’s hard to believe that if the visitors wanted their message to reach a wider audience, they wouldn’t easily take other measures to do so, rather than continue to rely on Whitley whose reach has been marginalized even by his own account. While it’s probably not just a matter of going into Oprah’s bedroom, they are obviously clever enough to achieve most if not all their aims.
It seems to me that this (earth) is their metaphorical fishbowl, in which to rearrange the plants and gravel as they wish.
It’s more than possible that the fate of homo sapiens is not their primary concern, no more than the fate of the neanderthal ever was. It seems that they pulled their genetic samples as needed between around 1960 and 2000, and now it’s on to the next phase. I’m not saying that we should act in a hopeless way, because that would be abandoning our best humanity. But my guess is that we can only try to make the best of the roller coaster, not stop the ride.
Generating patience isn’t
Generating patience isn’t easy when ignorance on steroids is afoot but having others stand by you will help. We’re all here Mr Strieber, we’ll see this through.
Generating patience isn’t
Generating patience isn’t easy when ignorance on steroids is afoot but having others stand by you will help. We’re all here Mr Strieber, we’ll see this through.
The climate is changing
The climate is changing rapidly, it will be upon us in the next 2 decades is my educated guess. The switch will be flipped. An apocalyptic hell will ensue. The last time a comet passed by close to earth and its debris field hit the earth and melted ice and flooded the world, this took us out of the Younger Dryas period around 10,500 BC give or take.
The Record of those times is found in Macchu Pichu- Gobeki Tempi- Giza.
This time the melt may be slower and will slow the Atlantic Conveyor belt and a new Ice age will begin. Food stores will be gone. My guess is only the equatorial band will be livable.- Where the meek live. They will inherit this new world… if they can survive the heat leading to the glacial melt. I don’t know where any of us can run to or prepare for. If you move south you have the preemptive hellish heat. If you move North you will be covered in an ice sheet. perhaps the best way to live is as the birds do…with North -South Migration.
This entire topic would make a great speculative Dreamland show…
Yessss, we need a dreamland
Yessss, we need a dreamland show about what’s happening RIGHT NOW! WE ARE IN IT!
The climate is changing
The climate is changing rapidly, it will be upon us in the next 2 decades is my educated guess. The switch will be flipped. An apocalyptic hell will ensue. The last time a comet passed by close to earth and its debris field hit the earth and melted ice and flooded the world, this took us out of the Younger Dryas period around 10,500 BC give or take.
The Record of those times is found in Macchu Pichu- Gobeki Tempi- Giza.
This time the melt may be slower and will slow the Atlantic Conveyor belt and a new Ice age will begin. Food stores will be gone. My guess is only the equatorial band will be livable.- Where the meek live. They will inherit this new world… if they can survive the heat leading to the glacial melt. I don’t know where any of us can run to or prepare for. If you move south you have the preemptive hellish heat. If you move North you will be covered in an ice sheet. perhaps the best way to live is as the birds do…with North -South Migration.
This entire topic would make a great speculative Dreamland show…
Yessss, we need a dreamland
Yessss, we need a dreamland show about what’s happening RIGHT NOW! WE ARE IN IT!
They will not help us if the
They will not help us if the powers that be do not share what they are doing in secrecy. And we are running out of time. How much time you think we have Whitley? Earth changes are happening…no sign of gov’ts opening up. How these chips gonna fall…
They will not help us if the
They will not help us if the powers that be do not share what they are doing in secrecy. And we are running out of time. How much time you think we have Whitley? Earth changes are happening…no sign of gov’ts opening up. How these chips gonna fall…
We stand with you Whitley.
We stand with you Whitley. God bless us in perfect Love.
We stand with you Whitley.
We stand with you Whitley. God bless us in perfect Love.
I know we can’t do much about
I know we can’t do much about the current warming situation but we can still manipulate our own micro environments, see permaculture techniques for example. Youtube has tons of stuff for shelter. If its going to happen you might as well prepare. Of course our massive cities and suburbia will make life difficult in the short term. Life could be rough but I just don’t see humans going extinct unless other powers are at hand. Keep up the good work Whitley. I’m looking forward to the new website.
I know we can’t do much about
I know we can’t do much about the current warming situation but we can still manipulate our own micro environments, see permaculture techniques for example. Youtube has tons of stuff for shelter. If its going to happen you might as well prepare. Of course our massive cities and suburbia will make life difficult in the short term. Life could be rough but I just don’t see humans going extinct unless other powers are at hand. Keep up the good work Whitley. I’m looking forward to the new website.
This maybe the mechanism that catches us unaware.
This maybe the mechanism that catches us unaware.
Whitley – maybe this a sign
Whitley – maybe this a sign that you need to leave well enough alone and not get a new website. I think this one is just fine. I can’t understand why you can’t find someone to develop a new one though – that just doesn’t make sense. Surely there are thousands of web designers out there. Thank you for everything you’ve done to keep us informed and up to snuff.
Whitley – maybe this a sign
Whitley – maybe this a sign that you need to leave well enough alone and not get a new website. I think this one is just fine. I can’t understand why you can’t find someone to develop a new one though – that just doesn’t make sense. Surely there are thousands of web designers out there. Thank you for everything you’ve done to keep us informed and up to snuff.
Hi! This seems the only place
Hi! This seems the only place to talk about climate change. WOW. Look at Seattle…record breaking. I’m in Cleveland and the weather is NUTS. 57 one day….16 the next. We have entered THE TWILIGHT ZONE…we seem to be in the twilight hours, before it gets even crazier. What have you been thinking about lately Whitley? Love to hear what you have to say! Also, I’m being charged monthly for….at least that’s working! 😉
Hi! This seems the only place
Hi! This seems the only place to talk about climate change. WOW. Look at Seattle…record breaking. I’m in Cleveland and the weather is NUTS. 57 one day….16 the next. We have entered THE TWILIGHT ZONE…we seem to be in the twilight hours, before it gets even crazier. What have you been thinking about lately Whitley? Love to hear what you have to say! Also, I’m being charged monthly for….at least that’s working! 😉
I’m sorry that this has been
I’m sorry that this has been so hard for you. There are the powers that be that do what they do. I was on a radio talk show once talking about chemtrails in France that appeared to have made a whole village sick with a bacteria and suddenly there was a huge static blast on air. Our call dropped, but we got back on. The host joked that I must have ticked some one off. I can’t imagine what YOU go thru. You do a lot of important work and I don’t think the number of people you reach is the key. I think it’s reaching the right people. Looking forward to seeing things move forward!
I’m sorry that this has been
I’m sorry that this has been so hard for you. There are the powers that be that do what they do. I was on a radio talk show once talking about chemtrails in France that appeared to have made a whole village sick with a bacteria and suddenly there was a huge static blast on air. Our call dropped, but we got back on. The host joked that I must have ticked some one off. I can’t imagine what YOU go thru. You do a lot of important work and I don’t think the number of people you reach is the key. I think it’s reaching the right people. Looking forward to seeing things move forward!
And I think we’d all love to
And I think we’d all love to hear more about your ongoing daily relationship with the visitors? Will you write a new book? Hope someday you could set up some new meditations/prayers again. Loved the old live chat room with you and the member pals from years ago 🙂
And I think we’d all love to
And I think we’d all love to hear more about your ongoing daily relationship with the visitors? Will you write a new book? Hope someday you could set up some new meditations/prayers again. Loved the old live chat room with you and the member pals from years ago 🙂
Perhaps, unfortunately, the
Perhaps, unfortunately, the scenario is as such that the Visitors impart the message of climactic doom to try to get the ostracized contactees to get the powers that be, and culture as a whole, to change in order to right this ship; that the point for them is to create that burning question in us, and that pressure of, “How do we square this most seemingly unsquare-able circle?”
But squaring that circle of getting the elite of this culture to change themselves and listen, or inducing a radical shift in values amongst the people seems: impossible. (By “inducing a radical shift in values” I mean, creating a shift in what we value so where those greed-filled elites currently lording at the top of our culture, stop being at the top of our culture, because the driving value in the culture no longer is to accumulate as much wealth as possible – which seems likely would be the most centered path for the ship to right its course.)
The 2012 incarnation of the U.S. presidential debates between Obama and Romney featured for the first time in decades no moderated discourse about the environment, or climate. Something that’s apparently a manifestation of a bigger trend of where the culture’s priorities are, because in 2016, again, the U.S. presidential debates between Clinton and Trump had no discussion about the environment. And in 2016 when there was no discussion of the issue climate, there wasn’t much reaction, whereas in 2012 when that happened you had some more progressive journalists crying foul.
You, the world’s most famous and foremost authority on contact, have tried to get people to listen for decades, and are trying.
And so if we don’t square this circle, of getting dominant culture to listen, we simply all of humanity die? Is it an either or, black or white, binary like that? Where we either get this consumer culture to change and listen, or we all die? If we don’t do that, do the Visitors see it in binary, all or nothing of, then we must let them all go? There’s no grey?
I tend to think there are just too many human beings on this planet for it to continue. I wonder if they see it this way? That continuation of the species on this planet is cast into the realm of cold mathematics. That in order for there to be a natural balance a large chunk of human beings must die? And unfortunately, the ones whom the planet would likely stand the best to brush off would be those who consume the most — meaning the U.S., Western Europe.
I wonder if there’s a shade of grey in there where it becomes seen to the Visitors that we won’t be able to get the culture and powers that be to listen, that we won’t be able to square that circle, and so then the message of climactic doom from them is basically, “HEY contactee buddies, friends, loved ones, family at least try to save YOUR selves because for the culture at large it is too late. And don’t rationalize that it’s okay for you to resign yourself to a death wish, and not having to challenge yourself to personally change to survive, because you see everyone else is going to die (the jump off a bridge because everyone else is fallacy)”?
Perhaps, unfortunately, the
Perhaps, unfortunately, the scenario is as such that the Visitors impart the message of climactic doom to try to get the ostracized contactees to get the powers that be, and culture as a whole, to change in order to right this ship; that the point for them is to create that burning question in us, and that pressure of, “How do we square this most seemingly unsquare-able circle?”
But squaring that circle of getting the elite of this culture to change themselves and listen, or inducing a radical shift in values amongst the people seems: impossible. (By “inducing a radical shift in values” I mean, creating a shift in what we value so where those greed-filled elites currently lording at the top of our culture, stop being at the top of our culture, because the driving value in the culture no longer is to accumulate as much wealth as possible – which seems likely would be the most centered path for the ship to right its course.)
The 2012 incarnation of the U.S. presidential debates between Obama and Romney featured for the first time in decades no moderated discourse about the environment, or climate. Something that’s apparently a manifestation of a bigger trend of where the culture’s priorities are, because in 2016, again, the U.S. presidential debates between Clinton and Trump had no discussion about the environment. And in 2016 when there was no discussion of the issue climate, there wasn’t much reaction, whereas in 2012 when that happened you had some more progressive journalists crying foul.
You, the world’s most famous and foremost authority on contact, have tried to get people to listen for decades, and are trying.
And so if we don’t square this circle, of getting dominant culture to listen, we simply all of humanity die? Is it an either or, black or white, binary like that? Where we either get this consumer culture to change and listen, or we all die? If we don’t do that, do the Visitors see it in binary, all or nothing of, then we must let them all go? There’s no grey?
I tend to think there are just too many human beings on this planet for it to continue. I wonder if they see it this way? That continuation of the species on this planet is cast into the realm of cold mathematics. That in order for there to be a natural balance a large chunk of human beings must die? And unfortunately, the ones whom the planet would likely stand the best to brush off would be those who consume the most — meaning the U.S., Western Europe.
I wonder if there’s a shade of grey in there where it becomes seen to the Visitors that we won’t be able to get the culture and powers that be to listen, that we won’t be able to square that circle, and so then the message of climactic doom from them is basically, “HEY contactee buddies, friends, loved ones, family at least try to save YOUR selves because for the culture at large it is too late. And don’t rationalize that it’s okay for you to resign yourself to a death wish, and not having to challenge yourself to personally change to survive, because you see everyone else is going to die (the jump off a bridge because everyone else is fallacy)”?