We know so little about the creatures around us, how they actually think, how they see the world. This is a wild and wonderous video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqmba7npY8g&sns=fb (Not CGI, by the way.)
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Yup, it is CGI: Cutely
Yup, it is CGI: Cutely Generated Image! 😀
I dreamed once of being on
I dreamed once of being on another dimension/planet where there were animals much different from our own. Very unfortunate, I cant clearly remember details (rainforest type environ). It was one of those “different dreams” that happened during an intense period of meditation/study. Id say that a creator that has the ability to come up with such special beings must be heartbroken at how weve been treating his work. But wonderful vid, someday well have a world where special things can happen daily.
Cool song. It’s sung in
Cool song. It’s sung in Catalan, by the way.
“Deixa’m dir una cosa” by Sopa de Cabra.
In English: “Let me say one thing”.
Fantastic video! laughed
Fantastic video! laughed myself silly. ..I spent several hours on youtube watching “different species love” once. A good one was taped through someone’s back door window of their big dog “playing with a wild deer.” Same sort of action. One can never get enough of that Good feeling.
So is it CGI or not?
So is it CGI or not?
There is no way that is CGI!
There is no way that is CGI! Very cute.
The Cat sees the Owl as a
The Cat sees the Owl as a food provider like Humans. Did no one notice the snake in the Owl’s claws in some of the shots? The Kitty is trying to make friends with the Owl, and hopes to share in the food…I have an outside cat that does this with the other predators in the yard…