Anne is having a really good day. She is the beneficiary of great medical care, but she has so often outstripped their expectations that I have to think that all the prayers and good thoughts that come her way play a part, too. She is able to talk somewhat, almost able to swallow, and sharp as sharp can be. We’ve been working all day on the book I’m writing with Jeff Kripal, and her contributions have been invaluable.

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  1. Yay!! So happy to hear this,
    Yay!! So happy to hear this, Whitley.

  2. Glad to hear of Anne’s
    Glad to hear of Anne’s continuing improvement!

  3. I am holding positive
    I am holding positive thoughts for you both…keep improving Annie.

  4. That is awesome news
    That is awesome news 🙂

    WONDERFUL, wonderful…..Perhaps the Archangel Raphael came in response to all of the prayers.

    Raphael the Archangel whose name means “Medicine of God” in Hebrew; is one of the seven Archangels that stand before the throne of GOD chanting hymns of unending praise. When we pray for his help he intercedes directly to God the Father. He is one of the three angels mentioned by name in holy scripture. St. Raphael appears in the deutero-canonical Book of Tobit, a beautiful narrative in the Old Testament.

  6. All the very best to you and
    All the very best to you and Anne, Whitley

  7. Still holding you both in
    Still holding you both in thoughts and prayers.

  8. That’s amazing, great news!
    That’s amazing, great news!

  9. Great news! Thank you for
    Great news! Thank you for letting us know! Continuing prayers!

  10. So glad to hear this,
    So glad to hear this, Whitley. Tried to get into chat tonight (but couldn’t) to get any news of Anne’s condition. I’m praying that the healing light energies surrounding you two continue to be funneled your way. Thank you for keeping us in the loop.

  11. i’m so very happy and
    i’m so very happy and thankful.

  12. That’s wonderful, I’m really
    That’s wonderful, I’m really glad to hear the news. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Marvelous news.
    Marvelous news.

  14. Great News! Please keep
    Great News! Please keep updating us. We are so grateful for all that you continue to share with us. Bless you both!

  15. So joyous to hear Anne is
    So joyous to hear Anne is recovering beyond expectation. Will continue to keep you both in my prayers and thoughts.
    Thanks for all you have shared with all of us here in Dreamland!

  16. This is great news! I will
    This is great news! I will continue to pray for both of you. I know what you are going through, as my family went through this with my grandmother.

  17. Just wanted to add my happy
    Just wanted to add my happy feeling to the mix..keep up the willpower in your endeavors and remember One day at a Time! 🙂

  18. You have so many people in
    You have so many people in this community that can effect a positive change for you wonderful wife. I think this much more so than most conventional people. And I’ve added my positive thoughts and prayers to this collective. And I’m so glad she has been feeling better.

  19. Good to hear. Hope she is
    Good to hear. Hope she is better soon.

  20. Whitley this is the last
    Whitley this is the last update I can find on Anne. She has been heavily in my thoughts. Can you give us an update on how she is doing?
    My best wishes for you both,

  21. Well love you both very
    Well love you both very much!!!!

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