I was so glad to hear that the anti-gay-marriage Proposition 8 has finally been overturned b the California state supreme court. I NEVER thought that a state with TWO mostly gay cities–West Hollywood and San Francisco–could ever have voted for such a bill, but I know why it happened.
Prop.8 was written to seem OPPOSITE of what it actually was. At first glance, it read like a PRO gay marriage bill. It seemed to mean that gay marriage would become legal if you voted FOR it. The local media was incensed, and if I hadn’t read an editorial in the LA Times about it, I might have voted for it too! This type of disinformation is illegal on Federal level, but must not be on the state level.
I remember my Dad, who was a major hater: He hated gays, blacks, Jews, Catholics, Italians–you name it, he hated them. I even remember listening to a conversation between im and my stepmother, during their regular evening "critique" sessions (over dinner), criticizing the way one of our neighbors had calked his bathtub (with a tube bought in the hardware store, rather than a caulking "gun"), implying that one of these methods was much more low class than the other. Now, that’s getting down in the cracks with your hate!
BUT he ALSO thought everyone was entitled to their civil rights. He always defended the rights even of those he hated. I wounder where he would have stood on gay marriage?
I’m happy to see that things have changed to the extent that my generation, who are now middle-aged, mostly just consider gays to be part of the population.
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Anne, another great post. As
Anne, another great post. As from an old Celtic family (from the Hebrides but now in latest incarnation the English Midlands) father of teenage children, I am so impressed at how race and sexuality are no longer things my kids even would think about as ‘problems / issues’ compared with my loving but very racist attitudes of parents and older relations (although a little like you some abusive others). A whole generation of people here and across the pond have worked so hard to make our countries much more tolerant and equal and that is very good. That does not mean that there are not real challenges that governments must address of issues of illegal immigration or social security sponging etc.. That is just rights of the contributors. I believe that progress made so far will become the norm because co-operative societies ultimately are usually the long term survivors in history. Your generation have set the bedrock of ‘sensible’ in some firm, nearly set comprehensive foundations. I do wish you all the best in your current health challenges and am thinking about Whitely and your good family too.
Anne, another great post. As
Anne, another great post. As from an old Celtic family (from the Hebrides but now in latest incarnation the English Midlands) father of teenage children, I am so impressed at how race and sexuality are no longer things my kids even would think about as ‘problems / issues’ compared with my loving but very racist attitudes of parents and older relations (although a little like you some abusive others). A whole generation of people here and across the pond have worked so hard to make our countries much more tolerant and equal and that is very good. That does not mean that there are not real challenges that governments must address of issues of illegal immigration or social security sponging etc.. That is just rights of the contributors. I believe that progress made so far will become the norm because co-operative societies ultimately are usually the long term survivors in history. Your generation have set the bedrock of ‘sensible’ in some firm, nearly set comprehensive foundations. I do wish you all the best in your current health challenges and am thinking about Whitely and your good family too.