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Anne Strieber has a phenomenal discussion with one of the originators of remote viewing, Russell Targ. You will meet this amazing and important human being in a whole new way, in intimate conversation with somebody who knows just what questions to ask. A friend of people like Alan Alda, Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan and the brother-in-law of chess champion Bobby Fisher, Targ has developed what he calls ‘Five Keys to Liberation’ that enable us to see beyond the limits of ordinary perception into a new world of meaning and joy.

Don’t miss Anne Strieber’s gently probing exploration of the ideas and consciousness of this important and highly influential man.

Russell Targ’s website is

You can get his iPhone App by searching the App Store for ESP Trainer.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.

Dreamland Video podcast
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