Former Defense Intelligence Agency specialist Dr. Irena McCammon Scott joins Whitley this week in a survey of recent discoveries about famous UFO cases ranging from the Kenneth Arnold sighting through the 1952 Washington flyovers up until modern times. And it’s A LOT!
UFOs are not going away, and these cases just keep getting more and more confirmation. And yet the government continues to deny, and, following in lockstep scientists scoff and the media snickers.
Listen as Dr. Scott lays it all out–what’s true and what’s not, and the amazing mysteries that remain!
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I found it interesting that
I found it interesting that Dr. Scott did not know that MUFON had shunned Whitley. That fact has turned me off to MUFON for a long time. Let’s see if this changes, but I’m skeptical. Still, it was a good interview.
I am posting a few articles
I am posting a few articles for those of you who are not familiar with the legend of the Piasa Bird.
The Piasa Bird…….
This article is (?) probably some fact and some fiction…….
I’ve always found it odd that
I’ve always found it odd that MUFON have treated Mr Strieber this way too. They appear to enjoy a nice case of tunnel vision.
I agree!
Dr. Scott did not
I agree!
Dr. Scott did not think to include Mr. Strieber at the time ?
Never mind that his book Communion awakened minds all over the world.
No wonder MUFON Still has nothing new to say that Mr. Strieber has not said or experienced before.
I do agree with the doctor that it was indeed a privilege for her to have spoken with Mr. S.
I am glad that the Communion letters will be kept at Rice University. Like the Seth materials with Yale, they are too important to be left to chance.
Do we know what Rice
Do we know what Rice University plan on doing with the Communion Letters?
Wouldn’t it be amazing, if they were digitised and run through OCR software, then made available online, so anyone could search through them by key words or phrases…but I know realistically that would be a mammoth task and probably too much to ask, bearing in mind the time and effort it would require.
Great Interview, The Piasa
Great Interview, The Piasa Bird/Mothman connection was a really interesting theory, I’ve always had an interest in the Mothman case and I’m definitely going to do some follow up research.
I didn’t realize there was a bit of a disconnect with MUFON and Whitley, though after doing some research I think I understand why– but that’s just speculation on my part. I suppose the drama is irrelevant and MUFON seems to be sourrounded by a lot of that lately, one of many reasons I have felt leary about that organization.
I still have my original copy of the communion letters, it was a fascinating read and I would love to see more of them, Sherbet UFO, I like your suggestion of a digital archive digest for them that would be an invaluable research tool for people. Great idea, I would love to see something like that.
Hi TheEnigmaticMrOwl, I count
Hi TheEnigmaticMrOwl, I count myself very lucky to have a pristine copy of the Communion Letters signed by Whitley and Anne. I read it pretty soon after it came out and was amazed by some of the stories within it – certainly very different from the classic media reported accounts. Some of them still stick in my mind even now. If I only had the money to fund that archiving! What a shame these kinds of things come down to money.
I did a bit of reading myself about the Mothman at the weekend…although I have to be honest, I felt a bit reticent doing it, as I was pretty creeped-out by ‘The Mothman Prophecies’ movie – especially that bit where it phones him up!
The letters file was given to
The letters file was given to Rice on July 12. It was quite a moment in my life, after all the years of trying to get someone interested in them, then finally giving up and just storing them.
They will be archived and I hope digitized, but that will be an enormous and expensive job, as there are so many. Anne had quite a few typed, though, and digitizing those would be a start.
She did a tremendous job with this. It was a huge undertaking that she stayed with for 10 years. If they could ever be analyzed and compared in detail, we would find out what the close encounter experience is really about, and what we would find out, I feel sure, is that the MUFONs of the world have essentially not a clue.
I refer to the national organization, not to the local MUFONs, some of which are vital, excellent groups and much more forward looking than the ones at the top.
I always hold out hope that the national organization will turn over a new leaf.