The Pentagon recently held its first war game in space and discovered we would lose.
The five-day exercise was enacted to determine how to defend U.S. satellites and destroy those of a potential enemy.This deadly serious role-playing game, set in 2017 and acted out by military men in Colorado, involved two enemycountries.
During the game, our enemy tried a capitalist preemptive strike by buying up all the commercial satellites it couldfind. Both sides tried to disable each other’s computers. They also tried hijacking opponents’ satellites and using themto broadcast propaganda.
The enemy countries were supposedly China and the U.S., but we wonder if they might not also have represented Earthfighting off an attack from another planet.
“We don’t usually play space,” said Major General William Looney III, commander of U.S. Air Force space operations. “The purpose of this game was to focus on how we really would act in space.”
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