An article in the latest issue ofAncient American Magazine makes a compelling case that Greek mariners reached the Americas as long ago as the fifth century B.C., possibly traveling as far west as Newfoundland.
Rather than relying on maps or archaeological remains whose authenticity cannot be confirmed, the author, Alban Wall, looks to the writings of the ancient Greek author Plutarch for his evidence. In volume 5 of his Morals, according to the author, “Plutarch set down astonishingly accurate sailing directions so precise that they provide, in and of themselves, absolute proof that ancient mariners knew full well how to get to these western shores.”
Plutarch places Ogygia in the far north Atlantic, approximately in the position of Iceland. He also describes a great bay that “lies in a direct line with the Caspian Sea.” The Gulf of St. Lawrence is such a bay.
Ogygia was the legendary home of Calypso, who held the adventurer Odysseus captive there for seven years.
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