Remember UFOs–those wonderful mysteries in the sky? And abductions? And crop circles? And what of the Disclosure Project?
It’s all still happening, and there’s one researcher who has not stopped searching the skies, George Filer of Filer’s Files. Throughout the crisis, he has continued to collect UFO stories, which turns out to be a tremendous service to everyone who is interested in mysteries. If we did not have access to this information, it would be like another light going out in our lives.
What are UFOs? Therein lies quite a tale. Where are they? Well, they’re right here with us, spreading awe from above and inspiring those wonderful questions that mean so much to us all.
The latest Filer’s Files made us look up from the darkness around us into the sparkling mystery above. We hope it’ll do the same for you. For that reason, we’re reprinting it’s sightings section in its entirety. Enjoy, and wonder…
To go to George’s latest bulletin, click here.
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