An reader send us this reply from RAWA, the Afghan feminist organization in Pakistan:

?Dear friend: ?We are so touched and impressed by your kind and supportive emails. All of your emails are so meaningful to us and they give us strength and energy to fight the brutal fundamentalist terrorists with more determination. We are also shocked and outraged at the terrorist attacks in the US. Being victims of the fundamentalists? terrorism we can feel the sorrow and anger of American people. Read RAWA?s statement at

?If you are interested in finding out more about the horrible plight of Afghan women and the atrocities committed by fundamentalists in Afghanistan just pay a visit to our web site. If you want to find out ways to help RAWA, please send a blank email to Our poor people are facing even more painful tragedies and an unbelievable humanitarian crisis threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of Afghan people. WE BEG FOR YOUR URGENT HELP.

“If you need RAWA?s publications, let us know your mailing address and the number of copies you need to be sent promptly. For more info. about the publications, their prices etc., send a blank email to or visit If you have already ordered RAWA publications, they will be shipped to you promptly. (Please be sure that you have sent us your mailing address and the number of copies you need.) Also, please keep in mind that the current crisis may be slowing mail deliveries because the publications are sent from Pakistan.

?Heartfelt thanks again for your contact and support and sincere apologies for not being able to reply to you for the time being. Kindest regards, for RAWA, Mehmooda?

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NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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