On January 28, we published a story to that an investigation by WJKM Radio in Tennessee had revealed, among other things, the following:
Military personnel in black uniforms had been seen near a supposedly abandoned nuclear power plant in the area.
It had been discovered that a telephone switching complex recently installed in the plant area had been paid for with a check from the US Air Force.
We have determined that nobody has claimed to see military personnel in black uniforms in the area, and that the investigations of WJKM engineer Ted Randall did not lead either to the discovery of a secret telephone switching complex or the fact that any checks from the US Air Force had been used to pay for anything in the area.
Rather, this story came from an e-mail received by Mr. Randall from an unknown source. The email was described by him as being from an unknown source, but the story appeared on the internet as fact. In reality, this is simply a rumor. It has not been investigated or confirmed in any way.
However, the rest of the story has been confirmed by area witnesses, and the strange explosion that knocked WJKM off the air in July remains unexplained.
In addition, local residents have seen unusual activity around the abandoned nuclear station and one resident, while attempted to recover some dogs that escaped from his property, was indeed warned away from the station by private security guards.
We strive on Unknowncountry.com to print only factual stories. In this case, our fact-checking failed. It was thanks to Linda Moulton Howe of Earthfiles.com that the errors in our story were brought to our attention.
Additional insights on this story from Earthfiles.com:Blasts not due to lightning, click here.
Continual power surge, click here.
Linda’s original power surge story, click here.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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