George Filer, of Filer’s Files, has chosen the Ukraine UFO air show crash as the biggest UFO story of last year. A video was shown on Ukrainian and Russian television showing a UFO flying near to a Ukrainian fighter jet moments before the jet crashed into the crowd at the Sknilov Aerodrome on July 27, killing 84 people, including 27 children. The video clearly shows a white, cigar-shaped UFO, which is mentioned by the TV commentator. It flew directly behind the Su-27 jet for 1.5 seconds. The discovery of the UFO was made from a detailed analysis of the video tape of the crash.
Pilot Uriy Egorov says, “At a certain moment the SU-27 became uncontrollable.” He and his copilot safely ejected from the plane. The plane appeared to stall, although General Evgeniy Marchuk, who heads up the crash investigation, says analysis of the flight recorder indicated that all systems, including the engines, were functioning normally.
Some observers think the UFO tried to rescue the jet, or else the UFO’s momentum may have caused the plane to stall. High ranking officials deny the existence of the UFO, despite the fact that it’s clearly visible on the video.
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