With Mars coming so close to the Earth, local media are reporting UFOs sightings all over the country, but it’s not widely known that these are happening, since no national media have picked up the story. Below are a couple of recent examples.
Time Stephens writesin the Ohio Herald-Dispatch That witnesses in Rome Township, Proctorville and Chesapeake reported seeing odd lights in the sky last weekend. Two lights appeared to circle one another as if they were chasing one each other. Occasional blips or flashes appeared at random. “They were just kind of circling around,” says witness Roger Lambert, of Rome Township. “I’d just like to know what they are.”
“I just assumed it was some spotlights or something from somewhere on the other side of the river,” says J.D. Warden of Rome Township. “I didn’t think anything of it until I saw the little flashes. I don’t think they were lightning, but they could have been. I’m not really worried about it. People see things all the time and they usually have a reasonable explanation.”
Heather Rice of Bainbridge, Ohio filmed the UFO. “It looked like a circular thing with windows with the red and green lights shining through,” she says. “It was spinning fast.” KPLC in Lake Charles and Lafayette, Louisiana reports a local UFO sighting as well. Dwayne Wilks says, “My daughter called and said, ‘Dad, come outside?there’s something really weird in the sky.’ It was sometime after nine p.m. last Thursday night. Never seen nothing like that before in my life.”
Witnesses saw a strange string of bright lights in a field, just above a group of tall trees. Wilks says, “I know there was 10 of us and all of us saw the same thing.”
Wilks’ father Daniel saw it too. He says, “There was definitely lights out there. Now craft I couldn’t say yes or no because it was dark and I couldn’t see any craft, but I did see the lights.”
The Bellon family, who live just close by, saw it too. Wilks says, “I been living here all my life and never seen nothing in that field so it wasn’t just some object out there?It was high enough off the ground. It was something in the air…You couldn’t hear it. It was strange, totally strange.”
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