We always knew that spinach would save us somehow, and now it looks like it may be able to combat global warming. Solar cells give us hope that we may be able to avoid fossil fuels in the future, and drastically cut greenhouse gases. Theproblem is, they’re not very efficient. But that’s wherespinach comes in?
Geoffrey Lean writes in the Independent that scientists atM.I.T. isolated the proteins from spinach leaves thatcontrol photosynthesis (the way plants get food from thesun). They laid them on a thin gold film and covered themwith organic material that conducts electricity. When theyshone light on these layers, power was produced. ResearcherMarc Baldo says this method can “take advantage of twobillion years of evolution” by converting sunlight intoelectricity the same way plants do, rather than artificially.
Why spinach and not some other vegetable? Baldo says,”There’s a lot of it and it’s very, very green.” They planto try it with peas in the future.
We’re rediscovering lost science that ancient civilizationsmay have used in the past, such as the secrets of theterracotta warriors andwhite powder gold.
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