One of the first signs of global warming is missingbirds andinsects. As the weather changes, they’re turning up in newplaces and missing from their old haunts. Since some birdsand butterflies migrate annually, they may also be confusedby the pole shift, which is in progress right now.
The number of Red Admiral, Orange Sulphur and Painted Ladybutterflies in the Chicago area has dropped dramaticallythis summer. Naturalist Jack Pomatto says, “I don’t know ifit’s because of the drought or the cold summer or thestrange weather, but it’s a disappointment.”
Butterfly enthusiast Tom Peterson says, “We had a rathercool, rainy period in May and June. I think that set themback a little.” He’s seen about 35 different species ofbutterflies this summer, the same as last year, but he’snoticed a large decline in the total number. He says, “Somejust seem to be not as abundant.”
“I don’t think it should be seen as an environmentalcalamity,” says biologist Doug Taron. “It’s just been an oddyear.”
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