Many of you have expressed your love and good wishes forAnne and Whitley, and also asked what will happen The website is a large operation andwill continue. As Anne was news editor, there will obviouslybe a period of time while the news is not updated as frequently.
Dreamland will continue with William Henry as host. Whitleywill host our weekly special interviews for subscribers,and will appear in our new live subscribers’ chat room withhis guests.
The chat room will open in two weeks. Meanwhile, our storeremains open and is shipping books, cups, t-shirts and ourother products with its accustomed efficiency.
Meanwhile, listen to Anne’s latest Mysterious Powers. It isabout a book she loved and thought profoundly important, theTwelve Conditions of a Miracle.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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