NYT – Betty Hill, whose well-known claim of alien abductionperhaps marked the beginning of popular culture’s awarenessof the phenomena, died of lung cancer at her home inPortsmouth, N.H. at age 85.
Betty and Barney Hill experienced what they believed was anabduction by alien beings on September 19th, 1961. During atrip in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Hills sawan unusual light in the sky that seemed to get closer andcloser to them. Later, after the trip, they found theycould notaccount for approximately two hours during the drive throughthe mountains.
With the help of a psychiatrist, the Hills used hypnosis torecover the events of those lost hours. What emerged oversubsequent sessions is what is now thought of as a classicalien abduction account — short, gray beings taking themaboard a craft of some kind for disturbing medicalexaminations of unknown purpose.
The Hill’s account was the subject of a best-selling book byJohn G. Fuller, “The Interrupted Journey: Two LostHours’ Aboard a Flying Saucer”. Later, the storybecame the basis for a television movie starring EstelleParsons and James Earl Jones.
The Hill incident was a landmark case in the study of theUFO abduction phenomena.
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