Scientists now warn that with even the most sophisticatedastronomical scanning technology, dangerous meteorites arebeing missed and could possibly hit the earth with no warning. Professor Wickramasinghe of the Cardiff University?s centerfor Astrobiology claims that we can no longer assume that wehave decades or even years of warning for certain spaceobjects that are ?invisible? to current tracking methods.
Certain inactive comets may be covered with a type oforganic material that is loose and dispersed making itnon-reflective and thus impossible to detect. Because ofthis vulnerability, Professor Wickramasinghe suggests thatcurrent protocol for tracking objects threatening to earthneeds to be rethought to take into account ?invisible? comets.
Thankfully, a new NASA program has just been unveiled to dojust that. Scientists at NASA will soon begin scanning thesky with an infrared telescope. Though they are lookingspecifically for the type of objects ProfessorWickramasinghe?s group recently discovered, like browndwarfs (failed stars), cometary fragments, and dark comets.
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