2004 is going to go down as one of the great years for UFOsightings worldwide, and now George Filer reports on yetanother UFO flap, this time in Illinois.
On the night of October 31, 2004, hundreds of peoplereported seeing three strange red lights traveling information over the South Chicago suburbs of Tinley Park,Orland Park, Oak Forest, Frankfort, Manhattan, and Mokena.The sighting lasted until after 11 PM when they disappeared.
Filer notes in his newsletter ‘Flier’s Files,’: “Theformation appears to be indistinguishable from a formationof three red lights that was reported from the Saturdaynight, August 21st, 2004, in the same general area. Giventhat the lights reportedly were simultaneously visible overa broad area seems to suggest that the individual lights arefairly large, high-power sources of illumination.”
The possibility of a hoax cannot be discounted, of course,but the strange shape of these lights and the fact that theywere visible over a very wide area means that they were notsmall, low-power devices. In addition, despite normalatmospheric movement, they remained in the area from thetime they were first noticed around 7PM until after 11PM,close to four hours.
Balloons would have blown away, or broken formation overthat time. It seems unlikely that the objects were blimps orradio controlled planes. No sound was reported by any groundobservers.
So, how come the enlargement we did of one of the lightslooks like some sort of Jack-O-Lantern? Happy Halloweenfrom…who?
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