An earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale struck off the coast of Sumatra at 8 AM local time today. Coastal areas in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, The Maldives Islands, and Bangladesh have been hit by tsunamis ranging up to 30 feet in height. 6,300 people are known dead at this time, but the numbers are expected to rise and the actual death toll may never be known because people have been carried out to sea.
There has been severe coastal damage in at least seven countries, and serious aftershocks that could generate more tidal waves are feared by experts.
Geologists believe that earthquakes are isolated events, but it should be noted that the most powerful quake in four years took place off the coast of Tasmania just 48 hours ago. Indonesia, India, and China have been the locations of extensive aerial phenomena including meteor explosions and UFO sightings over the past month.
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