Legendary and controversial prophet of earth changes GordonMichael Scallion has been saying for many years that a greatearthquake in the Indian Ocean would herald a long period ofplanetary unrest. That earthquake has taken place, so whatdoes Mr. Scallion think now? To listen, click on the word”Dreamland” on the right side of our masthead.
Mr. Scallion discuss what he believes is most likely tohappen next, speaks frankly about the hits and misses of hiscareer, and offers an intimate look at just what happened in1979 that drew him into the world of prediction, anunforgettably powerful story that he doesn’t often tell. Healso offers suggestions about the simple steps an individualmay take to protect themselves during a time of rapid andprofound change.
This is an enlightening and candid interview with a veryunusual and influential man. Don’t miss Gordon MichaelScallion on Dreamland.
To learn more about Dreamland,click here.
To go to Mr. Scallion’s website,click here.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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