Wonder why the Pope didn’t get a flu shot this year? If hehad, he probably wouldn’t have the flu right now. Theanswer? He probably doesn’t really have the flu.
The Pope receives the best medical care the world has tooffer, and despite the fact that there was a shortage of fluvaccine this year (there isn?t anymore), he would have beenat the top of the list to get vaccinated from the smallamount of vaccine that was available. Actually, he probablyDID get a vaccination; the breathing difficulties he’sexperiencing are most likely a result of aspirationpneumonia, a side effect of advanced Parkinson’s.
In the past, the Vatican has been reluctant to announce thatany pope has a terminal disease, even when it’s obvious–asit in this case–so reporters have probably made theassumption that he has the flu, without doing any realresearch. The flu diagnosis may even have been announced byVatican personnel who have been instructed not to put toomuch emphasis on the Pope’s Parkinson’s.
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