It’s earthquake week on Dreamland. We lead off with a reportfrom Linda Howe about the earthquake swarm that took placeoff the coast of Oregon last week. Does it mean a majorquake is on the way that could strike the Pacific Northwest?Linda has the best scientific information available. Thenindependent earthquake researcher Frank Condon spends anhour with Whitley discussing the actual condition of ourearth, and telling us things that the conventionalscientists are afraid to explore.Click here to visitFrank?s website. Whitley will be in thesubscriber chatroom from 1 to 2 p.m. Pacific this Saturday, March 12, totalk about recent earthquake activity. Also for subscribers,Whitley interviews Dr. Lynne Kitei, who talks about the newdocumentary film based on her book The PhoenixLights, which will open in Scottsdale, Arizonaon Sunday, March 13 at the Harkins Shea 14 theater.

Dr. Lynne shares some truly stunning personal revelationswith us.She was the first person to notice the Phoenixlights and has made the process of publicizing theimportance of this event part of her life’s work, despitethe fact that it offers her no financial rewards and plentyof criticism. Her film To see atrailer from from The Phoenix Lights film,click here.

Another of the claims made by Whitley Strieber in his bookthe Secret School has received scientific support. In theSecret School, Strieber asserts that there is a giganticextinction cycle in earthly life that involves multimillionyear periods of decline followed by intense extinctionclimaxes. Now two scientists from the University ofCalifornia at Berkeley have discovered just such anextinction cycle that appears to have been consistentthroughout the life of the earth, with mass extinctionsunfolding with uncanny regularity every 62 million years. Infact, we’re in the middle of one right now, with speciesgoing extinct at an increasingly rapid rate. The Secret School is out of print, but subscribers candownload and listen to the audio book, movingly read byWhitley Strieber.

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