Using the science she’s learned from writing the news every day, Anne Strieber recently lost one hundred pounds. Many of you are familiar with her recent near death experience, and she says ironically, “People think I lost the weight when I was in the hospital, so they don’t give me credit for it, although itisn’t true. When they feed you by tube they give you enough calories to maintain your current weight, since weight loss is a bad symptom. Only when you move to solid food, do they give you a calorie-restricted diet, and then you?re about ready to go home.” If you’re struggling with your weight?or have a friend who is?pass along this wonderful?and very funny?book. One chapter will appear on Anne?s Diary every week, and we’ll put a small story on our website to announce it, each time it appears.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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